God's Love at Work

Overcoming - God's Love at Work - Week of November 24

Week of November 24

"To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne."   ~ Rev. 3:21

Jesus invites us to overcome everything with which the enemy tries to defeat us.  He is the ultimate overcomer, our finest example.  Through Him, nothing is impossible.

When Jesus overcame the enemy's death trap through The Father's resurrection plan, He was promoted beyond what we can measure.  He transcended into the Father's throne room, despite the enemy's devices to stop Him, to render Him powerless.  Likewise, when we choose obedience over sin, we by-pass deadly consequences (Rom. 6:23), pass the test and come closer to the Father.  We receive a divine reward that no man can match and no enemy can destroy.

Too often, the enemy has caused us pain and distress, effectively limiting us from moving efficiently in the Lord's plan.  Some form of iniquity—whether committed by us or generations before us—is often at the root.  Left unrepented, the consequences of these sins operate in our lives long-term, and they can do so without our awareness.

I Peter 5:8 tells us that the enemy prowls like a roaring lion, waiting to devour us.  Luke 10:19 tells us that Jesus has given us the power to overcome the enemy.  Will we open the door and invite the enemy in through sin?  Or will we be vigilant and obedient?  If we fall, we must choose repentance quickly so the enemy cannot get a stronghold in our hearts and in our lives.

I John 5:4 tells us that everyone who accepts Jesus overcomes the world.  The love of God strengthens us through the Holy Spirit in us, while Jesus intercedes for us in the throne room.  Wherever there is temptation, therein lies the enemy.  And the Lord always provides an escape.  Question is: Do we love God enough to choose to flee?  Or do we love the world's "pleasures" more?  And if we choose the world's way, how long will we remain in the pit before repenting?  Before overcoming?

Where there is choice, there is freedom, love and consequence.  Some consequences can last a lifetime, or even steal our lives.  Must we learn lessons the painful and untimely way?

When I think of overcoming, most often, supernatural healing comes to mind.  Many people e-mail me, sharing their healing testimonies that can only be explained by God's supernatural love.  With every story of how God brought them out of disability, I am amazed at how much Jesus loves us.

Overcoming is often a journey of pursuing the heart and face of God (Jer. 29:11-14).  This is especially true concerning long-term illnesses, including emotional injuries where, through counseling and deliverance, God strips off layers of bondage that has piled up over time.  In my own journeys, I have often prayed, "Lord, please lead me to the sources and resources that can help me, and enable me to receive all that You have for me."  God has always been faithful to answer this prayer, leading me to just the right person, tape, book, scripture, etc. that encourages and teaches me.

If you have seen patterns of bondage in your life, such as addictions, poverty, emotional injury, job loss, and so on, know there is a way out, and your loving Father has a plan to free you through His son, Jesus.  Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any secret sins and generational iniquities to you.  Then break agreement with those issues, forgiving the forefathers all the way back to Adam.  Ask Jesus to help you walk in His freedom, discipline and blessings.  Exercise your faith, and know that you are loved and that His help is ever-present.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.