God's Love at Work

Wisdom Advantage - God's Love at Work - Week of June 12

Wisdom Advantage

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of June 12, 2022

We see it all around: ungodly attempts of domination, both subtle and sudden. From hostile workplaces to outright wars of genocide in the world. Control. Rape. Extermination of people groups. Nations.

It’s all opposition to God’s way of apprehending dominion.

Isaiah 56 TPT calls “corrupt leaders” devourers, saying they are blind, dumb, asleep, greedy, ignorant, undiscerning, selfish and drunk as they snowball into a vortex of destruction (vs 9-12).

Clearly, evil is on the losing end, as scheming perpetrators perpetuate a death spiral for themselves, just as Haman and his sons were hung on their own gallows (Esther 9:25). This includes acts of deception, such as seductive manipulation, as forms of witchcraft, as well as slander and envy, as forms of murder.

But, no matter what, God’s people can choose to remain in His truth and honor Him (Isaiah 56:4). We can take the high road. We can find Jesus in the midst as our exodus. Our lifter. Our One True King. Our Savior from all evil.

Holy Spirit offers us a wisdom advantage more powerful than that which comes against us. 1 Corinthians 2:7 reveals that this "wisdom [is] a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began."

This wisdom is available to God’s people to give us an advantage to live out His best life for us. This benefit for victory requires seeking Him, hearing from Him and carrying out His strategies. It requires courage. Backbone. And steadfastness in His ways.

This is the same wisdom that the undiscerning ones consider to be foolish as in 1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV, which says that "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."

So, this timely truth reveals that God always outsmarts our enemies; and we can, too, when we hear from Him and carry out His plans without compromise.

Anyone who has ever walked through a Joseph journey can attest to remaining strong in our Lord from jail to justice. God will set us up to reign above it all when we humble ourselves unto Him and do what’s right (Isaiah 56:1).

His wisdom is strategy, which is critical in war. Obeying Him in battle means syncing with His power for life.

God sees the full panoramic view inside and out. He knows the motive of every heart and leads those who trust Him into victory. Even in ways that don’t make sense.

Consider Elijah.

In 1 Kings 19, God repeatedly directs Elijah back to confront the ungodly domination from where he fled. This involved facing a death camp of prophets. So, there was a direct enemy threat against him that God would overrule as Elijah went forth in obedience.

Queen Jezebel and her passive-aggressive husband, King Ahab, operated under a false spiritual rulership. But God made Himself known as supreme Ruler through Elijah.

Elijah heard from God, followed His instructions and felt empowered to shift from feeling defeated to leading victory for God’s people (1 Kings 21). As Elijah acted on faith, he broke through impossible strongholds by following God’s revealed wisdom. Elijah was positioned for this advantage from the beginning (Ephesians 1:11 AMP).

He came to see that no evil was too big for faithful God to throw down. God’s spiritual laws of sowing and reaping rule, regardless of whether people are aware of this truth. The foolishly unrepentant are no match for God as they bring destruction on themselves.

Like with Elijah, and so many others, God’s mercy offers us the beauty of endurance to be made strong in Him during tough times that extend into a lasting legacy of honor, both in place and name (Isaiah 56:5 TPT). God will bestow upon us a legacy of honor when we wisely remain in His truth and worship. We will live in His outward expressions of joy and honor above former fears that tried to bind us.

God will flip attacks and disempower the enemy. He will turn our rejection into remembrance when we put Him first.

He is our hope of powerful glory that never gives up. Therefore, it is critical that we remain close to Him, know His Word, His way and our true identity in Him. When we follow through in His revealed wisdom, we will always be advantaged for greater.

And when we keep our eyes on Him, over time, our love grows greater beyond limitations, even un-forgiveness. It’s in this place of dwelling that we find our greatest treasure.

So, pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You that, through Your wisdom, You have given us an advantage to live out our destinies, as evil implodes itself. Thank You for fighting nonstop on our behalves. Please continue to open our ears and eyes and enable us to receive Your revelation-understanding, Your wisdom that positions us for victory in You. For Your glory, Lord. We choose to trust You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.