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Godly Courage: Our Breath for The Race – Part 1 - God's Love at Work - Week of March 15

Godly Courage: Our Breath for The Race – Part 1
By Margaret D. Mitchell

To be courageous.

It's what God commanded of Joshua (Jo 1:1-9) and what David commanded of Solomon (2 Ch 28:20). It's also what God commands of all His disciples (Mt 10:26). 

Therefore, it’s our duty to lay hold of Godly courage and prevail over the battle before us in bravery as we co-labor with God, to build His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. (Ez 10:4).

Psalm 31:24 AMPC instructs us to "Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you, who wait for and hope for and expect the Lord!"

Psalm 31:24, in the TPT version, encourages us to "…cheer up! Take courage all you who love him. Wait for him to break through for you, all who trust in him!"

This God-breathed grace of courage empowers a trusted heart to stand firm in faith and demonstrate bravery in great exploits. It fuels us to “wo-man up” and get the job done by responsibly receiving and executing, God’s initiatives by faith (1 Cor 16:13) (Strong’s, HELPS Word-studies).

Godly courage takes heart and shows “positive passion as it proceeds from a sound disposition” or attitude during difficulties. It keeps up “high morale” in the face of uncertainty and persecution. It is steadfast, because it’s sourced from our Lord, who never changes and is forever faithful to deliver. (Ac 27:22, Ja 5:13, Pr 8:14) (HELPS Word-studies).

This God-infused courage was demonstrated in what Jesus did for us in Hebrews 12:2, when He bravely and calmly endured the cross to overthrow darkness and set us free.

Webster's defines courage as "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty...strength to resist opposition...or hardship."

Webster’s defines courageous to mean “characterized by courage: brave," like a courageous "soldier" or to make a courageous "decision."

Many of us understand that courage is might and valor on battlefields (Pr 8:14).

But it’s also essential for winning in every mighty deed.

It’s even necessary to receive promotion (1 Ch 12:21).

Proverbs 8:14 TPT tells us, “You will find true success when you find me, for I have insight into wise plans, that are designed just for you. I hold in my hands living-understanding, courage, and strength."

Along with faith and obedience, Godly courage enables us to lay hold of God’s promises.

God instructed Joshua in 1 Chronicles 22:13 AMPC that "…you will prosper if you are careful to keep and fulfill the statutes and ordinances with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage. Dread not and fear not; be not dismayed."

In its many facets, Godly courage looks like victorious demonstrations of faith because faith sparks courage (He 11:34); and courage is a sign, as evidence, that the enemy is going down, and that God’s way will prevail (Ph 1:28, Ps 20:8).

So, God empowers us by with His gracious breath of courage and His in-working of faith—both of which are purposed to help us reign victorious with Him.

Therefore, as we receive Godly initiatives and grow in faith, we simultaneously mature in His courage to carry them out.

In this journey of empowerment, we are made able to “behave courageously” as a witness, as we co-labor with God to build His Kingdom (1 Ch 19:13, 2 Ch 32:5, Pr 24:3).

Godly courage is required to possess territory—to overcome inner hindrances, to overthrow outer obstacles, and to overtake (or establish) our promised land as God's heirs for Kingdom purposes.

Just as God breathes courage into us (Ps 138:3), depression, which is a false feeling of defeat, from the enemy of our soul, attempts to dis-courage us in order to crush our God-given courage (Pr 18:14).

But, we know that we are above the enemy, and that he is beneath us, as we obey God (De 28:13).

The grace of courage to live above and not beneath—unafraid and in peace, abiding with God as He dwells in us—enables us to experience an enthroned life (Ps 4:8).

God will even go so far as to unseat kings (by withdrawing His strength of courage from them) and emboldening his faithful followers with His courage to enthrone them in their place (Da 11:25).

To be sure, the same breath (wind) of sovereign God that makes His warriors mighty is the same breath (wind) of God that, when withdrawn, makes His enemies weak (Jo 2:11).

In so doing, Godly courage demonstrates God’s power through His faithful followers, as His witnesses, who co-labor with Him to complete divine exploits.

All along our journey, Godly courage is available to bolster us with an emboldened comfort, as in good cheer and warm-heartedness, that radiates a Spirit-produced confidence and demonstrates a good witness. This is an expression of glorious shinning from the inside out. This “social boldness” reveals a fearless trust and rest in The Lord as our countenance professes His character and truth (Jn 16:33). Showing this “unflinching,” fearless “courage means living out the inner confidence (or inner bolstering)” that is purposed for others to see in a way that glorifies and magnifies God (Ac 23:11, Jn 16:33, Mk 6:49-50) (HELPS Word-studies).

In all of its facets, Godly courage is a type of en-couragement of God, who is Love, to honor and extend His gospel (Ac 28:15).

Join me next week for part 2 of Godly Courage: Our Breath for The Race.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

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