Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of September 22


God Knows…When I Wonder About the Future – Part 3
Jesus told His disciples stories to help everyone know HOW to be ready when He comes. One was about 10 young women planning to attend an evening wedding feast. As the custom was, they gathered near the bride’s home, waiting for the groom to come and take his bride to his own home where there would be a dinner for their friends and families. Five of the women were wise, and five were foolish. All 10 of them had little oil lamps to carry. But the foolish ones took no extra oil. The wise five came prepared.

The groom didn’t come for a long time. Hour after hour went by. The maidens got sleepy. Conversation faded as one by one they fell asleep. Their lamps flickered and began to go out.

At midnight they awoke at the shout, “Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!” Instant panic for the five without oil! “Give us your oil,” they begged the others. But there was not enough to share. The five unwise maidens scurried off, looking for an all-night oil store. The five smart ones, with lamps aglow, joined the wedding procession and went in to enjoy the banquet.

The unwise maidens returned at last. They could hear the music and laughter. But when they knocked and called, the groom didn’t open the door. They hadn’t been ready when the door was open; now it was closed.

In this parable, or teaching-story, the young ladies are like those who believe that Jesus (the bridegroom) is coming. The lamps are like the Word of God, which lights up the path for us. Those who let the Word of God CHANGE them are the wise ones. If we let the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, flow like oil into our lives we will be ready for Jesus when He comes. As we study God’s Word to learn His will for us, as we spend time talking with Jesus (prayer) to know Him better, as we let Jesus control our minds so that we live as Jesus lived, we will be letting the light of heaven shine wherever we live.

. . .

Today you can be ready. You have just been studying His Word. How about praying? Ask Jesus to fill you with His love. Turn your whole life over to Him and let Him be in charge. He will help you believe His Word, and He will help it change you into somebody who is ready for heaven.

Where to find the story: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and John 7:33-36

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Berrien Springs, MI 49103

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