Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of August 18


God Knows…When I Need Help – Part 3

Prayer can be as simple as a cry in the night. One calm, peaceful evening Jesus and His disciples got in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was weary after a busy day of teaching and healing, and before long he fell asleep in the back of the boat. Suddenly the disciples realized that the sky was growing cloudy and black. Wind swept down the mountains and burst upon the lake. Waves dashed over the boat.

Peter, James and John had been fishermen on this lake all their lives. They were used to sudden, furious storms. But they soon realized this storm was worse than any other they had known. They tried to bail out the water pouring into the boat with every towering wave. They were trying so hard to save themselves that they forgot all about Jesus.

The swamped boat began to sink. There was nothing more they could do. Suddenly they remembered Jesus! Where was He? “Master!” they cried, “Don’t You care if we die?” “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” they cried (Matthew 8:25). This was their prayer, their call for help. 

Calmly Jesus arose. “Peace, be still!” He said. Instantly the storm stopped. The waves sank down to perfect calmness. The clouds rolled away. Fear vanished. Stars twinkled again.

Jesus wanted his disciples to realize WHY they had been so scared. Gently He asked, “Why were you afraid? Don’t you have any faith yet?”
. . .

Whenever storms of life are beating on us, there is peace and security for us when we turn to Jesus and rest by faith in His love and care. We don’t need to battle the storms alone. Faith will smooth the sea of life.

Jesus will always hear your prayer, even if it’s as simple a prayer as “Lord, save me!” His answer is always the answer of love and wisdom.

Where to find this story: Matthew 6-8, Mark 4, and Luke 8 and 11

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