Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of August 4


God Knows…When I Need Help – Part 1

Jesus taught His friends a sample prayer. Though it’s short, it has a lot of meaning.

God Comes First

When we give God His supreme place, everything else falls into place.

OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. Because we are all God’s children, we belong to one huge family. Since we are His children, we are willing to be guided by His wisdom.

HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME. The name of God is holy. It is special because it refers to God’s character. We will not want to use God’s name carelessly. As His child, I will not want to disgrace the family name.

YOUR KINGDOM COME. On this earth are pockets of rebellion against the King of the universe. By letting God rule our lives, we build up His kingdom. God plans a delightful future for His children. The rebellion of sin will be destroyed someday. God will then be King of all.

YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. In heaven, God’s will is done perfectly. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we long for His will to be done perfectly on Earth as well.

Our Needs

The second part of the Lord’s Prayer deals with our needs past, present, and future.

GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. God is able to supply us with the things we need. We do not to worry about the future.

FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS. We all have debts, and God is big enough to forgive them. Sometimes we are tempted to feel that our mistakes are so ugly that God won’t look at us. But “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” When we invite Christ to fill our hearts with His love, we learn to forget hurts instead of becoming bitter.

DO NOT LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE. We surrender ourselves to God’s guidance. God “will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”

FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER. God is deserving of all our praise and everything we can give Him.

Your Story Hour
PO Box 15
Berrien Springs, MI 49103

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