Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of May 19


God Knows…When My Faith is Shaky – Part 1     

We all have faith. You have faith in electricity, in gravity, in certain people. Do you have faith in God? In Jesus’ day, some had growing faith; some had a wishy-washy faith-doubt mixture.

In the town of Capernaum a nobleman heard that Jesus was in Cana. Days had been dark at his house recently, for his young son had an incurable disease. Doctors had given him up to die. But there was one hope. News had spread about the wonderful miracles of Jesus. So, with wobbly faith, the nobleman quickly traveled from Capernaum to Cana. There he found a crowd gathered around a plainly dressed man, dusty and travel-worn. He doubted that this ordinary-looking person could help him, but swallowing his pride, he approached Jesus and pleaded with Him to come and heal his dying son.

Jesus knew the doubts the nobleman had. “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe,” Jesus said. Like a spotlight, the words of Jesus zeroed in on the nobleman’s truest need. He was a selfish man. If he got what he wanted, then he would believe in Jesus. It’s like a kid who questions his parents’ love: “Dad, Mom, unless you do _____ or give me _____ I won’t’ believe you love me.”

Faith Displaces Doubt

Now the nobleman was really worried. What if his doubt would cost him his son’s life? Realizing his own helplessness, he was ready to put complete faith in Jesus. Desperately he cried out, “Sir, come before my child dies!”

Jesus replied, “Go your way; your son lives.” Hearing Jesus’ words, the nobleman’s faith was strengthened. He left with a new peace and joy, believing that his son would get well.

Early the next morning he returned home. Servants came out to meet him, calling, “Your son lives!” But he was not surprised at their news. He asked what time the boy had started getting better. “Yesterday at the seventh hour,” they replied. That was the very moment when the loving Healer had assured him, “your son lives.”

Happily, the nobleman hurried in to hug his son and to thank God. The entire family believed in Jesus and became His followers. They joyfully told others of their faith.

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