Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of June 23


God Knows…When I’m Faced with a Choice – Part 1     

We have many choices. When somebody tells you something, you can believe it or not. When somebody asks you to do something, you can do it or not do it. If somebody loves you, you can love that person back or not. Let’s look at some of the choices people made in Jesus’ day.

Jesus made important choices in the wilderness. He resisted the pull of Satan and stayed loyal to God. Upon returning from the wilderness, He joined the crowd listening to John the Baptist at the Jordan River. When John the Baptist saw Jesus among the people, he repeated what he had said before: “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

First Followers

Andrew and John were standing nearby, and they wondered what the prophet meant, so they followed Jesus around. Jesus’ words were so full of freshness, truth, and beauty that they chose to believe. Then Andrew and John had the choice of keeping this good news to themselves or sharing it. They decided to share it. Andrew hurried to find Simon, his brother. “We have found the Messiah,” he told him. Simon had the choice of laughing it off or believing. He decided to come to Jesus.

The next day when Jesus headed north toward Galilee, He saw Philip and invited, “Follow Me.” Now Philip had a choice. He chose to obey, and went and called Nathanael. “We have found Him of whom Moses and the prophets wrote,’ Philip told him. “It’s Jesus of Nazareth.” “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” scoffed Nathanael. Philip didn’t argue. He simply stated, “Come and see.” So Nathanael went to see for himself. Jesus’ words were so convincing that Nathanael said: “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”

Jesus and His new friends were invited to a wedding at Cana. At the wedding dinner, the servers ran out of wine. Jesus asked the servants to fill the six large stone water jars nearby with water. They could have refused. But they obeyed. When He told them to pour some for the master of ceremonies, they again chose to obey. The master of ceremonies found the wine better than anything he had ever tasted before!

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Berrien Springs, MI 49103

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