Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

<< Alternative View with Dr. Tony Evans

Alternative View - June 30, 2017

Out of a Whirlwind

In His Presence: “When Elijah heard [a gentle whisper of wind], he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave” (1 Kings 19:13).

Huddled in a cave and miles away from his home, Elijah tried to warm himself and remember how he got to this place. The memory of Queen Jezebel and her violent threats against him came rushing back to his mind. By then, he had almost forgotten the miracle God had done on Mount Carmel and the spiritual victory that had been gained there. Instead, he hid out in fear (1 Kings 19).

At some point, many of us have done the same thing. God breaks into our lives through answered prayer, and we are left speechless. Then, some little sign of trouble appears on the horizon, and we begin to break down emotionally. Instead of sleeping soundly at night, we wake up, toss and turn, and wonder if God will help us. Of course, He always does.

Elijah’s first mistake was to believe that he was the only one left in Israel who had a pure heart before God. Pride always leads to feelings of fear, loneliness, and discouragement. As Elijah waited in the cave, God began to demonstrate His mighty ability to His prophet. First, He did so through a strong wind that tore at the mountain, then through an earthquake, and finally, through a mighty fire. God’s presence, however, was not in any of these. Then the prophet heard a gentle wind blowing around him, and he knew that he was standing in the presence of God.

God doesn’t have to lift a finger in order to deal with the problems you face each day. He spoke the world into existence, and at His command, the storms surrounding your life will cease. Perhaps as He did with Elijah, He will gain your full attention by allowing the storm to blow a little longer. If this is the case, let the earthquake, fire, and wind come, knowing that you have a loving heavenly Father whose only desire is to draw you nearer to Himself. Take time to worship Him and tell Him that you are listening for His voice.

One Minute Please

When thoughts of fear surround your life, remember, God is still on the throne.

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