Answers for Each Day, with Bayless Conley

Answers for Each Day - November 7

A Better Covenant

There are two verses for your reading today.  Hebrews 7:22, which says,

By so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant.

And Hebrews 8:6, which tells us,

But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.

We have a better covenant; we have better promises.  And Jesus is the One who makes it sure.  He is the guarantee. He has personally pledged Himself to make it good.

As far as I am concerned, that takes away all reason for doubt, all reason for stressing out.  Jesus, Himself, is the pledge, the guarantee that this covenant we have called the New Testament will be good and will be fulfilled in our lives.

And He is not only the guarantee, He is the Mediator.  He is the go-between to what is truly a better covenant, established upon better promises.

Let's say your employer came to you and said, "We're going to give you a better contract.  While the old contract was good, we're going to give you one that's better.  This better contract will increase your hours, decrease your pay, eliminate your health and dental benefits, you will no longer get reimbursed for your mileage and your auto expenses, and you're going to have a shorter lunch break and no more Christmas bonuses."

Let me ask you, is that better?  No!  That is not better!  And I will never understand how people can say, "We know God healed people and worked miracles and intervened in people's lives under the Old Testament, but He doesn't anymore."

The covenant Christ bought and sealed in His blood is a better covenant, established upon better promises. Praise God!

Visit the Answers with Bayless Conley website for more ways to connect with God. 

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Peace, love, purpose, passion, restoration, healing . . . we all want to experience those things this year. But is it actually possible?

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