Beloved Women

Let Your Light Shine - Beloved Women - April 12, 2019

Let Your Light Shine – Beloved Women - April 12, 2019


In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew 5:16 NIV


We live in a world that is lost and looking for hope in all the wrong places. But those of us in Christ know the true Hope. As we approach each day, let us see this world through our Father’s eyes and His character and may our light shine so that those living in the dark will see our Light of Jesus shining.

May we not get so caught up in day-to-day life that we forget God is at work all around us, and He wants to use us for His glory. He wants to use us to draw that unsaved co-worker, neighbor, the clerk at the store, or the lady at the drive through to Him. If we believe, listen, and obey, God will give us divine appointments to shine with the light of Hope to those around us.


Dear Lord, please use me this day for Your glory. May my light shine before those I encounter throughout my day. May my life be a testimony of who You are. I ask that you help me to shine in this broken world. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


How are you shining for Christ? Are you allowing Jesus to use you for His glory?


Find more encouragement from Stephanie here.


Joy often seems unattainable in times of uncertainty and difficulty. The Bible, however, promises believers a lasting joy from the Lord greater than our circumstances. If you desire to experience joy even in the face of challenges, we invite you to our next video Bible Study series through the book of Philippians called “Relentless Joy.” This study starts on April 15 and you can sign up for free here!

© 2019 by Stephanie Vroege. All rights reserved.

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