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What Are You Waiting For? - Beloved Women - December 11, 2019

What Are You Waiting For? - Beloved Women – December 11, 2019



“And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock. And he rolled a great stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away.”  (Matthew 27:59-60 ESV)


You might be tangled up in a transition season right now and frustrated because it looks like nothing is happening. Maybe you’ve been praying, but you still don’t have the job you desire or a spouse. The stress is still there, the anguish lingers, and the disappointment cuts deeper. You might wonder if God even cares.


The foundation of our faith is developed in the waiting room of life. 

After Jesus’ crucifixion, Joseph laid his lifeless body in the tomb and walked away. Jesus was gone and nothing appeared to change on that second day.

Behind the stone that stood between Jesus and his discouraged disciples, was a miracle in the works.

Behind the scenes in the not-quite-yet season of your life, is where a miracle is taking place too.

It’s in the transition time where God is developing your gifts, growing your perseverance, and purifying your motives. He is transforming the inside to prepare you for what’s about to happen on the outside.


Father, I trust You with the details in this transition season of my life. I trust You at Your Word. You are taking me from glory to glory. Help me to surrender to Your hand and not be tempted to move too swiftly out of the spiritual growing pains. Thank you for Your grace that covers me here in the stillness of life. In Jesus’ Christ Name, I pray, Amen. 


It’s tempting in the transition to say there isn’t much taking place. Look for the blessings. What is reaping the benefit of your transition time? In your desperation, are you more real with the Lord? Are you more present with your family? In the brokenness, are you more honest with friends?


The foundation of our faith is developed in the waiting room of life.


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Find more encouragement from Trisha Keehn at www.trishakeehn.com.

© 2019 by Trisha Keehn. All rights reserved.

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