Beloved Women

When You Want to Know What's Next - Beloved Women - December 12, 2018

When You Want to Know What's Next – Beloved Women – December 12, 2018


And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 ESV


Has anyone ever ruined a movie for you by revealing what happens next? I usually hate to have a plot revealed before the end of a suspenseful film. It robs viewers of the thrill of the storyline.

On the contrary, it seems I want the ‘spoiler’ from the Lord about my life. I keep getting frustrated because I don’t know what’s next. Although I have an idea about where I’ll be in the future, it’s not clear exactly how or when I’m going to get there. I’ve even often thought to myself “if the Lord could just tell me now what’s going to happen next, I’ll be happy”. If only that were true!

When anxiety about the future overwhelms us, we don’t need the ‘spoiler’. Those that love the Lord can hold on to the certainty of His promise that “all things will work together for our good” (Romans 8:28)! So while we may not have all of the specific details we can rest in the sweetness of knowing we are always victorious in Him!


Father, help us to trust you with our futures. We know that all things will work together for our good and your glory. Please grant us grace to yield to your leading. When anxiety about what’s ahead fillsour hearts, show us how to be anxious for nothing and to persistently bring our requests before you, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


When overwhelmed with anxiety about the future what scriptures can you meditate on to help refocus your thoughts?


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As our to-do lists grow so does our longing to make time for God. With everything we have going on as women, we're left desperate for God's peace, direction, and refreshment yet seeming little time to seek Him. The LIFE Bible Journal is here to help you reap the benefits of consistently engaging God's Word. Using our 4 "R"s Bible Study method, each study page guides you through the scriptures helping you to simply pull out meaning from the text and apply what you've learned to your everyday life. If you're looking for a resource to help you put God first by making time for Bible Study, this is the journal for you. Purchase your LIFE Bible Journal now by clicking here.

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