Beloved Women

When We Have to Wait on God - Beloved Women - December 17, 2018

When We Have to Wait on God – Beloved Women – December 17, 2018


Answer me quickly, O Lord! My spirit fails! Hide not your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. - Psalm 143:7-8 ESV


These verses have been impressed on my heart recently because they speak to a season of waiting. Sometimes in our walk with God, we need to hear from Him more. Although we pray and read the Bible it may seem like we don’t hear from God at all.

In Psalms 143:7-8, David is growing weary. His prayer reveals how desperately he needs an answer from God. Whether we are waiting for God to reveal an answer, provide a vision or to surround us with His presence, we can be comforted by these words from David.

He modeled how to earnestly pray to God. There are times when we need God desperately. We may need guidance and peace in making difficult decisions. Sometimes, just like David, we may need God to answer us quickly. We can believe in faith that He can and He will answer our prayers.


Father, I know that you hear our prayers, you see our tears and you know the root of our frustrations. Although waiting is necessary to build us up spiritually, I ask that you bring comfort during the wait. That even in moments where you seem to be silent, that we will feel your presence and allow you to direct our steps. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Where do you need God to answer your prayer request and how can you wait patiently on His answer?


Find more encouragement from Shakia Clark here.


As our to-do lists grow so does our longing to make time for God. With everything we have going on as women, we're left desperate for God's peace, direction, and refreshment yet seeming little time to seek Him. The LIFE Bible Journal is here to help you reap the benefits of consistently engaging God's Word. Using our 4 "R"s Bible Study method, each study page guides you through the scriptures helping you to simply pull out meaning from the text and apply what you've learned to your everyday life. If you're looking for a resource to help you put God first by making time for Bible Study, this is the journal for you. Purchase your LIFE Bible Journal now by clicking here.

© 2018 by Shakia Clark. All rights reserved.

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