Beloved Women

Prayer Life - Beloved Women - December 23, 2024

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Prayer Life - Beloved Women - December 23, 2024

READ: Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: Prayers offer us a direct connection with the Creator of the Universe. They provide us personal access to the throne room of God so we can talk with our Heavenly Father about our fears, our joys, our problems, and our praise. But, sometimes, we struggle to find the right words that speak from our hearts. So, we give up trying and just utter our list of wishes.

So how do we pray without ceasing? Our words do not need to be elaborate; they just need to be heartfelt. Throughout our day, offer up short prayers. We can ask God to prepare the right attitude for an upcoming meeting. Or, we can ask for safety as we commute. Other examples include praying over your meals or for your family.

God wants a relationship with us, and that includes talking with Him. He wants to hear from us daily even if they are short little prayers like, “please help me.” God looks to the heart behind the prayer, not the words. 

PRAY: Dear Lord, help me to think of You throughout the day. Let my heart and mouth send You my words every chance I get. Please forgive me for when I fail to talk with You. Examine my heart to see how much I need You and love You. Praise be to Your Holy Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

REFLECT: How can I offer more prayers to my heavenly Father daily?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Yvonne Morgan at and purchase a copy of her memoir Turning Mountains into Molehills here.

© 2020 by Yvonne Morgan. All rights reserved.

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