Beloved Women

Just the Facts - Beloved Women - December 6, 2019

Just the Facts – Beloved Women – December 6, 2019


“Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, ‘A great multitude is coming against you from Edom, from beyond the sea; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar’ (that is, Engedi).” (2 Chronicles 20:2 ESV)


The world reminds us to focus on the facts. Just the facts, please! When King Jehoshaphat got the facts that a mighty army was approaching, he and the Israelites were terrified and powerless. What are the facts about your current situation? Maybe your facts differ from King Jehoshaphat. Maybe the fact is, you have lost your job and you are in financial distress. Perhaps, you have serious health problems with a hopeless outlook, or your teenagers are rebelling or dealing with depression. 

The facts will leave us anxious, depressed, worried, and sad if that is all we have. Thankfully, we have the truth that God who is in heaven, rules over all the world with power and might. No one can withstand him. Jehoshaphat knew the facts, but because he based his confidence on the truth, he and the Israelites experienced God’s mighty deliverance. What is the basis of your confidence? Facts or truth?


Dear Lord, all power belongs to You. I rest in the unchanging truth that You are a mighty fortress and refuge in times of trouble. Help me to let go of fear, look beyond the facts, and rest on the truth of Your Word and Your character. I bless You, Lord. In Jesus’ Christ Name, I pray, Amen.


How will you look beyond the facts to see God’s truth in your current situation? 


God is all you need. Look beyond the facts and see His truth. 


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