Beloved Women

Replace Fear with God’s Power - Beloved Women - January 25, 2019

Replace Fear with God’s Power – Beloved Women – January 25, 2019


For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.  - 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV


Fear is a stumbling block designed to keep us stuck.  It manifests in different ways including not moving forward, avoiding risks, or not fully believing that we have what we need to be great. Timothy reminds us that God has empowered us to move forward and not stay stuck.  God wants us to live a full, abundant life with no limitations.  Let’s not allow fear to keep us from being all that God has called us to be, in every area of our lives.

If we have allowed fear and uncertainty to keep us from moving forward, ask God for courage and boldness to press into new territory. God’s sovereignty and power is infinite and is fully available to us when we seek Him.  I encourage you to not look to your past and to cast fear down, in Jesus’ Name.  You are victorious through Christ Jesus and can cast all your anxieties and fears over to Him.   Replace fear with God’s power and watch God move in a new and exciting way!


Dear God, thank You for equipping me with all I need to overcome the spirit of fear. I pray to You for boldness, guidance, and direction on how to move forward in faith and action.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


What is one area that you have been fearful in, but seek to move forward with God’s help?


Find more encouragement from Kirstyn Mayden here.


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© 2019 by Kirstyn Mayden. All rights reserved.

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