Beloved Women

Love Is Not a Feeling - Beloved Women - June 13, 2024

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Love is Not a Feeling – Beloved Women – June 13, 2024


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16 NIV


Ever wonder what keeps relationships afloat, after the warm fuzzies fade off into the unknown abyss?  When couples find themselves past the honeymoon phase, and into the difficult seasons of marriage, what keeps them together?  For some, it could be the fear of being alone, but for others, I am venturing to say there is something much stronger. I cannot pinpoint where or when I heard it, but I am grateful for this single statement. 

Love is a choice.

Although we may attribute it to butterflies in our stomach, or the he-went-to-Jared commercials, love is so much more.  We can choose to celebrate the beauty, resilience, and compassion of this type of love every day of our lives, not just when we feel loved.  This view of love challenges us all to choose to love others, rather than sit on the sidelines, waiting for someone to love us. This is the love we can freely give away because it has been freely given to us. 


Dear Lord, Help me to love others out of the abundant love you have shown me.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.


What are some practical ways you can choose to demonstrate love today?


If you want to grow in your relationship with God through the study of His Word but studying the Bible seems complicated, overwhelming, or even intimidating, then the LIFE Bible Journal is just for you! Each study page guides you through your personal Bible study helping you to practically understand and apply God’s Word to your everyday life.  See how simple and rewarding Bible study can be with the LIFE Bible Journal. Click here to get your LIFE Bible Journal today!


For more encouragement from Kia Stephens, download her free ebooks, Hope for the Woman With Father Wounds and Forgiveness Hacks:  5 Strategies to Help You Forgive.

© 2019 by Kia Stephens. All rights reserved.

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