Beloved Women

God Will Do a New Thing - Beloved Women - March 14, 2019

God Will Do a New Thing – Beloved Women – March 14, 2019


Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. - Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV


Isaiah was a prophet during a time when the Israelites were in Babylonian captivity. In Isaiah chapter 43, Isaiah is prophesying that God will free the Israelites from Babylon. God reminds them that he freed them from Egyptian slavery and He will free them again. So to prepare them for their release He tells them not to think about former things or how things have been for them because He is about to do something new. He is about to make a way out for them. Then he asks "Do you not perceive it?"

The important aspect of this scripture is that Isaiah proclaims the Israelites freedom before they are released from Babylonian rule. Yet, God says I am doing a new thing, not I will do a new thing. What does this mean? It means our current situation is not a clear indicator of what God is doing in our lives.

Even at our bleakest hour God is moving and working on our behalf. Do you not perceive it? Do you not see it? May we not become so caught up with former things that we forgot to open our eyes to what God is doing now.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for moving on my behalf even when I don’t realize it. I pray for the faith to trust You even when I can’t see You. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


How have you seen God move in your life when it first appeared nothing was changing?


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