Beloved Women

Parting in Peace - Beloved Women - March 4, 2020

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Parting in Peace – Beloved Women – March 4, 2020

READ: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14 ESV).

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: I learn something new each time I travel overseas. Once, on a mission trip to Kenya, I discovered that the Kenyans like to repeat the verse from 2 Corinthians at the end of each group prayer time. I thought this was a neat idea, so I use it often as well.

Today’s scripture comes from 2 Corinthians and is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. This verse is the last words recorded in the book. In the rest of the book, Paul admonished the church for not living a Godly life. Many of the words remain useful for us today.

The intriguing part of this verse comes from the fact that Paul still offered kindness and blessings to the Corinthians after his harsh words. We can learn a lot from Paul’s example today. Even if we disagree with someone, we can still love them and bless them. Try saying these words at the end of a disagreement to part in peace.

PRAY: Dear Father in Heaven. I argue and disagree with those I love from time to time. Please help me to remember to end the hard conversation with a blessing so we can part in peace. Thank You for teaching me Your ways and for helping me to live in harmony with all my brothers and sisters. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

REFLECT: Is there someone I can share this blessing with today?

SHARE: When anger or disagreement arises within your family and friends, the Bible teaches us we can still find a way to be at peace with one another.

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Yvonne Morgan at and purchase a copy of her memoir Turning Mountains into Molehills here.


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