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Praise God in Advance - Beloved Women - November 21, 2023

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Praise God in Advance – Beloved Women – November 21, 2023

READ: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1 NRSV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: In today’s verse, David made a conscious decision to praise God in advance. Despite intense persecution, David decided to continually praise God. Psalm 34:1 is David’s declaration that he will praise God during ALL seasons of life. Today, I invite you to decide to praise God in advance of your situation. It is so easy to praise God once we are on the other side of a breakthrough or see a full manifestation of God’s promise. Our testimonies are powerful when we can say confidently, “God answered my prayer” or “God saw me through.” Friend, I have wonderful news for you today: Praising God in advance is a powerful weapon that can be used to defeat the enemy.

Praising God in advance keeps our focus on giving God gratitude instead of our immediate situation. Whatever season or situation that you may be currently facing, praise is the catalyst that can lift your spirit, change your perspective, and remind you that God is in control. There is always something to give God praise for. The breath that God allows you to breathe each day is a reason to give God praise. I am praising God in advance with you!
PRAY: Dear God, thank you for who You are and being continually faithful in my life. Please restore in me a desire to praise You during all seasons of life. Thank you for being present with me during celebrations and challenges. I praise You in advance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

REFLECT:  What is one specific area that you will praise God in advance?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Kirstyn at www.kirstynspeakshope.com.

© 2020 by Kirstyn Mayden. All rights reserved.

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