Beloved Women

Living Life Well - Beloved Women - November 27, 2018

Living Life Well - Beloved Women - November 27, 2018


Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. - Matthew 10:39 NIV


How do you describe a well-lived life? Is it by a person’s bank account, number of Facebook likes, or accomplishments? Although man values these standards, God uses a different barometer to evaluate the impact of our lives.

By God’s standards, a life well lived comes by learning the art of dying to ourselves daily. In death we discover life. This type of significance isn’t measured by material possessions but by our character. This is the type of life worth dying for.

In Matthew 10:39, Christ went against the current of human wisdom that encourages us to find our lives by amassing more and more for ourselves. Instead, Christ said as we give our lives away sacrificially we will find it. A life focused on helping others is a life well lived.


Dear God, Thank you for Christ’s example of losing his life for the sake of mankind. Help me to choose to lose my life for your sake so that I will find it. Amen.


How might God be calling you to sacrifice for the sake of others?


For more encouragement from Kia Stephens download her free ebooks, Hope for the Woman With Father Wounds and Forgiveness Hacks:  5 Strategies to Help You Forgive


Our Daily Devotional writers have teamed up to produce a 2018 Special Christmas Edition Beloved Women's Magazine. This limited edition keepsake magazine is sure to inspire your faith this holiday season. 100% of profits from this magazine and limited edition Beloved apparel and gifts will go directly towards supporting our efforts to continue to offer free Bible Study resources to women worldwide. This fundraiser ends December 1, 2018, so shop now to support Beloved today.

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