Beloved Women

How to Fight Your Fear - Beloved Women - October 10, 2024

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How to Fight Your Fear – Beloved Women – October 10, 2024


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 ESV)


The other day I was play fighting with my son which is one of his favorite things to do. We both had our play swords as we frantically ran around the house. I chased him into our playroom thinking I’d have him cornered. However, when I caught up to him, he did the unthinkable. Suddenly instead of running from me he turned around, ran towards me, and attacked. It completely took me by surprise and stopped my plan to corner him.

At that moment I was reminded this is the same way we should approach fear. When fear is chasing us with every intention to corner and trap us, we must fight back. Fear expects us to cower and give up. But this is when we need to stop running and give fear a surprise attack. If we want to disarm the fear running after us, we need to do the very thing fear doesn’t expect us to do; stop running away. I encourage you today not to give in to fear but instead look fear in the face and fight for all that is yours in Christ.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. I pray for courage to trust in You and not fear. In Jesus Christ Name, I pray. Amen.


What fears are you facing today? Through God’s strength and power, how are you prepared to fight those fears?


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© 2019 by Christina Patterson. All rights reserved.

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