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When God Tells You to Go - Beloved Women - October 24, 2024

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When God Tells You to Go – Beloved Women – October 24, 2024


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)


The Great Commission is one of the most known commands from Jesus, ordering us to continue to do His work on this earth. I am fascinated by the idea of “going”. It’s an opportunity to be wherever He is calling me to be and do His work wherever I go.

Faith and work go hand in hand. Often times, people tend to use their faith as a crutch to sit back and wait on God. I believe that we are to wait expectantly but we also need to use our gifts to do the work. God has gifted each of us with many talents and He wants us to use them for His glory.

As we use our gifts, God will bless our efforts and open doors of opportunity that we can’t do on our own. God wants us to lean on Him but He also wants to see that we will willingly put in the work.


Father, help us to see the beauty in the work. I am believing that You will blow our minds as we are obedient to having faith and to put in the extra work to do what You are calling us towards. Lead the way in our lives and let us willingly follow You. Help us to confidently go wherever You need us and to do Your work with confidence. Use us as You see fit and take us wherever needed to bring glory to Your name. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


What are you putting off that God is calling you to do today?


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Find more encouragement from Shakia Clark at www.shakiaclark.com.

© 2019 by Shakia Clark. All rights reserved.

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