Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway - December 6

Read Colossians 1


The true Church; reconciliation in Christ; warning against false teaching; Christian virtues.

For this cause we . . . pray . . . that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding . . . Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father (Col. 1:9-12).

To grasp the importance of this prayer, notice how many times the inclusive word all is used: all wisdom . . . all might . . . all patience. The Word of God does its best to convey the great importance of prayer. Verse upon verse tells us of the power that is in prayer. In the same way it also explains the power we lack without it. Prayer can accomplish a multitude of things. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him (James 5:15). We are told in this one verse that prayer works in healing, restoration and repentance. That is a lot of power. However, there is so much more to prayer than can even be imagined. As we state many times, prayer is our communication line to God.

A Christian's walk cannot be pleasing to God or impart peace of mind until it is led by a knowledge of His will in all wisdom which is gained through reading His Word. Only to that extent will we be strengthened with His Glorious power. Together the Word of God and prayer are what help us draw so much from God. When we keep a quiet time with the Lord, He can deal with our hearts in the matters He desires. Sometimes it is hard to hear from God with all the other voices in the world. However, if we keep special prayer times set aside, without any distractions, we are able to hear from heaven better. However, these should not be our only prayer times. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Eph. 6:18). The Scripture teaches clearly that we should be in a constant state of prayer. This does not mean we are always on our knees with our heads bowed. You can talk to God anywhere and anytime. Whenever you feel the need for answers, pray. Whenever you need extra strength, pray. Whenever you need counsel, pray. Pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17).

God answers prayers in three ways. He answers yes, no or wait. I believe most of us find the hardest answer to accept is wait. It puts us in a place where we must trust God with our lives. If God wants you to wait, it'll be worth it.

The promises of God are exceeding great and precious (2 Peter 1:4) to those who pray specifically and persistently.

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight (1 John 3:22).

Thought for the Day: The prayer of the upright is the Lord's delight.

Cross References:

For Col. 2:11: See Deut. 10:16Col. 3:23: See Eccl. 9:10. Col. 4:6: See Eccl. 10:12.

Word Studies:

1:12 meet, sufficient; 1:13 translated, transferred; 1:23 settled, firmly grounded; 2:4 beguile, deceive; 2:23 will worship, self-inspired efforts at worship; 3:5 Mortify, Treat as dead; concupiscence, uncontrolled desire for what is forbidden, especially sexual immorality; 3:22 singleness of heart, sincerity, honesty, not hypocritical or self-seeking; fearing God, out of reverence for your Lord; 4:1 give . . . that which is just and equal, do what is right and fair.

Prayer Suggestion: Confess your sins to the Lord; He is merciful and forgiving (Dan. 9:4-9).

Memory Verse for the Week: Isaiah 7:14