Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway - July 2, 2011


Read Psalms 1


In today's reading learn more about Jesus and the glories of the Messiah and His Bride, the Church (born-again believers in Christ, Savior and Lord of their lives). See the similarities between David's trusted adviser Ahithophel (II Sam. 15:12) and Judas, one of the 12 apostles (Matt. 26:25).

David was forcibly separated from his palace and the public place of worship as well as participation in the God-ordained sacrifices (festivals). For about a 10-year period prior to becoming king, David had been in exile, constantly on the move. Wherever he was in hiding he was persistently harassed by Saul and his army who were searching to kill him. The psalmist's longing was for the living God who loves His children and seeks their love, hears their prayers, and faithfully provides and protects. David expressed: As the hart (similar to a deer) panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God (Ps. 42:1).

God had brought David into surroundings and circumstances which he could not understand. From a natural point of view, it would seem that much of his life was being wasted. But he was exactly where he needed to be. God was using David's enemies to develop his spiritual life, thus fulfilling the Lord's purpose for him. Even while David was forced to be a fugitive, there was often evidence that the Lord was providing for and protecting him. In the midst of trials, David could say: Thou art my King, O God. . . . I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. But Thou hast saved us from our enemies. . . . In God we boast all the day long, and praise Thy Name for ever (44:4-8).

We tend to be concerned with what is before us; God is concerned with doing a work within us. The immature Christian may be tempted to sacrifice principle for comfort or popularity. Those who help and encourage others endure the deep waters of sorrow and suffering.

We often consider our circumstances as if they were manipulated by men, but our loving Father arranges situations in our lives to prove to us that His grace is sufficient in all things. When we realize that each situation we face — whether pleasant or distressing — is for our good and is His best for our lives, only then will we see clearly that no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly (84:11). Regardless of the severity or duration of our circumstances, we should pour out our hearts' devotion to our Lord. We are His children, and our loyalty is to Him. Peter and the Apostles were rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name (Acts 5:41).

Thought for Today:

Let your conversation (daily conduct, character) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee (Heb. 13:5).

Christ Revealed:

As One who will do the will of God (Ps. 40:6-8). Jesus said that His purpose on earth was to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work (John 4:34; Heb. 10:7-9).

Word Studies:

40:6 ears . . . opened, You have given me a heart to hear and obey; 41:3 make all his bed in his sickness, sustain him in all his sickness; 42:1 panteth after, longs for; 42:11 health, salvation; 44:19 sore broken, severely crushed; 45:1 inditing, overflowing with; 45:6 right sceptre, righteous rule.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for Bible Pathway Media Producer: Rick Hash • Staff: Chris Robison • Country: Monaco (32,000) in southeastern France • Major languages: French and English • No open evangelism permitted • 90% Roman Catholic; 7% Protestant; 1% Eastern Orthodox • Prayer Suggestion: When you are in desperate circumstances, turn to the Lord with fasting and prayer (II Chron. 20:2-4).

Optional Reading:

1 Thessalonians 1

Memory Verse for the Week:

Acts 4:12