Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway - June 18, 2011


Read Job 13


Job testifies that he is an upright man and has done nothing to deserve his suffering (Job chaps. 13 — 14). He speaks directly to God (13:20 — 14:22). Eliphaz calls Job a windbag (15:2) and uses his own experiences to show how wrong Job is (15:17-35). Job calls his friends miserable comforters (16:2)

The boldness of Job's faith and faithfulness brought new revelation of his relationship with God. The turning point in the conflict between God and Satan came when Job said: Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him (Job 13:15). Job's faith in God was unshakeable as he testified: He shall also be my salvation . . . I know that I shall be justified (13:16-18).

God has a wise and precious purpose in all our suffering — without exception — even in death. What a marvelous revelation of this Truth when Job said: If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come (14:14). Job had assurance (faith) that God would speak for him when there was no one else to do so. He pleaded for a Divine Helper when he said: O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour! (16:21). Job knew there would be a Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus (I Tim. 2:5). Zophar's conclusions led him to say: Should thy lies make men hold their peace? . . . Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth (Job 11:3,6).

Satan instigated the criticisms by Job's "devoted" friends in an effort to substantiate his assumption that Job would curse God if he were put to the test of death — that he would give up his faith in God in order to save his own life.

When we realize that our lives are under the Lord's control, we will trust ourselves unreservedly into His hands so that He can fully accomplish His purpose in us. Amazing as it may have seemed to Eliphaz and Job's other friends, Job had utmost confidence that when he died, he would live again and be changed.

Like Job, every child of God will face trials and suffering. But, as we trust God in the midst of those trials, our faith and love for Him are deepened. In conforming to Christ's death, we come to an end of self — a giving up ourselves to live or die for Him. We are promised: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us (II Tim. 2:12; comp. Phil. 4:12; I Pet. 2:20; 4:19; Rev. 2:10).

Thought for Today:

The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us (Rom. 8:18).

Christ Revealed:

Through the smiting of Job (Job 16:10). Christ also was struck by those who ridiculed Him (Matt. 27:29-44; John 18:22-23; 19:2-3; Ps. 22:7-8; 109:25; Is. 53:3-5,7-10).

Word Studies:

14:5 days are determined . . . with Thee allotted time to live depends on You; 15:4 restrainest binder; 15:25 strengtheneth himself against the Almighty defies the Almighty; 15:26 upon the thick bosses of his bucklers with massive shields; 15:27 collops of fat figuratively speaking, blinded by self-importance and wealth; 15:29 prolong the perfection thereof continue the harvest, the abundant crops; 15:34 fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery their houses shall be burned with fire; 16:12 broken me asunder thoroughly crushed me; 16:13 reins heart and mind — the center of emotions; poureth out my gall leaves me no hope of life.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for Government Officials: Sen. Mike Johanns (NE), Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA), Sen. Jay Rockefeller IV (WV), and Rep. Paul Tonko (NY) • Country: Liechtenstein (32,000) in western Europe • Major languages: German and Alemannic dialect • Religious freedom • 87% Roman Catholic; 12% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Ask the Lord to give you discernment and an understanding heart (I Kings 3:9).

Optional Reading:

Ephesians 1

Memory Verse for the Week:

Acts 2:21