Bible Pathway

Bible Pathway - May 4, 2012

Read  2 Kings 9:1-18


Jehu anointed king; Jehu kills Joram (Jehoram), reigning king of Israel, and Ahaziah, king of Judah; Jezebel's death; Jehu destroys Baal worshipers.

Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I have anointed thee king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel. And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets . . . For the whole house of Ahab shall perish (II Kin. 9:6-8).

After Ahab's death, his son, Ahaziah, reigned over Israel for two years followed by the twelve-year reign of Ahaziah's brother, Jehoram. Every king of Israel was required to write him a copy of this Law (the Ten Commandments) . . . And it shall be with him . . . all the days of his life (Deut. 17:18-19). Yet they completely ignored the 2nd Commandment which reads: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me (Ex. 20:3). And all three of these kings of the Northern Kingdom so zealously promoted idolatry in Israel that it spread into Judah and seriously weakened the true worship of Jehovah in Jerusalem. Evil should never be underestimated. Whenever it is present in those around us it can start to infiltrate our own lives (II Cor. 6:17). It has been said sin is the most contagious disease in existence. Surely this is true. It is important therefore, for Christians to protect their hearts with the study of God's Word and prayer (Luke 8:15).

During this serious spiritual decline, the Lord was preparing Jehu, the powerful captain-commander of the Northern Kingdom armies. God's plan is not always clear to mankind. While no one was aware, God was working in the heart of this soldier to become the next king of Israel. God chooses whom He will not with the wisdom of man, but with His own wisdom. Years before God had told Elijah: Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel (I Kin. 19:16).

Perhaps as many as twenty years passed before God told Elisha to send a young prophet to anoint Jehu as Israel's king and the executioner of Jehoram and all the descendants of Ahab. God's judgment is not always swift, but it will come in His timing. Man sometimes thinks he gets away with sin. He thinks that because time has elapsed he has gotten away with his crimes. However, His judgment will still find him when God is ready (Acts 24:25). What appeared to be a coincidence when Jehu met Jehoram (Joram) in the field of Naboth was actually the fulfillment of the Word of God against Ahab as foretold in that very place by Elijah (see I Kin. 21:19-23).

The Word of our God shall stand for ever (Is. 40:8).

Thought for Today:

As we yield to His Word, we receive strength to face and overcome the temptations of the world.

Christ Portrayed:

By Elisha, who sent one of the sons of the prophets with oil to anoint Jehu (II Kin. 9:1-6). Oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and the Lord sent the Holy Spirit to anoint believers (John 14:16-17; 16:13; Acts 1:8; compare I Sam. 16:13). The anointing which ye have received of Him abideth (lives) in you (I John 2:27).

Word Studies:

9:23 treachery, treason; 9:30 tired her head, adorned her hair; 10:3 Look even out the best and meetest, Select the most capable; 10:27 draught house, public toilet.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Rosemary Crawford • Country: Chile (15 million) on the southwestern coast of South America • Major language: Spanish • Religious freedom • 73% Catholic; 20% Protestant; 1% Other; 6% None • Prayer Suggestion: Rejoice that Jesus' blood has cleansed you from sin (I John 1:7,9).

Optional Reading: Romans 7

Memory Verse for the Week: John 13:35