Bible Pathway

Bible Pathways 01/29/2002

January 29

Read Exodus 35 -- 37

In Today's Reading:

The Tabernacle and all its furnishings are completed according to detailed specifications given by God. And all are constructed exactly to God's orders leaving no doubt that worship to God must be in accordance to His Word. The ark, mercy seat, table to showbread, candlestick (lampstand), altar of incense and the tent, provide vital information needed and a graphic illustration of true worship.

Verse for Today:

The Candlestick also for the light, and His furniture, and His lamps, with the oil for the light (Exodus 35:14).


Freewill Offerings for the Tabernacle; construction of the Tabernacle; the Ark; Mercy Seat; Table of Showbread; Candlestick; Altar of Incense.

After the priest had washed his hands and feet at the Brazen (brass) Laver, he proceeded toward the Tabernacle and entered the only door to the Holy Place to worship and serve the Lord.

On the left was the seven-branched Golden Candlestick that provided the only source of light in the Holy Place. Without this light, the room would have been in total darkness. The Golden Candlestick represents Christ, Who is the Light of the world and Who bestows His light upon believers by making Himself known through His Word (John 8:12).

On the right was the Table of Showbread with its 12 loaves sprinkled with pure frankincense (Leviticus 24:7). It also was symbolic of Christ Who said: I am the living Bread that came down from Heaven: if anyone eats of this Bread (His Word), he will live for ever (John 6:51). The Hebrew word for showbread suggests more than bodily nourishment. It indicates gaining spiritual insight that is not obtainable in any other way. Beyond our ability to explain, the Holy Spirit enlightens, empowers, and then transforms the lives of those who prayerfully continue to "eat" the Bread of Life. When a person ignores the Word of God, he will be deceived by false doctrine.

Wherefore laying aside all malice . . . and hypocrisies . . . desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby (1 Peter 2:1-2).

A Thought from Proverbs: Receive My instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it (8:10-11).

Christ Revealed:

Through the Candlestick (Lampstand) (Exodus 35:14). Christ is the Light of the world (John 1:6-9; 8:12; 9:5; compare Luke 1:78-79).

Word Studies:

35:10 wise hearted = skillful, expert craftsman; 35:11 his = its; 35:14 furniture = utensils, vessels; 35:32 curious = artistic; 36:29 coupled = matched or linked at the bottom.

Prayer Needs:

Government Officials: Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) and Rep. Lee Terry (NE) · Pray for one more person to read through the Bible · Country: Romania (22 million) in southeastern Europe · Major languages: Rumanian and Hungarian · Freedom of worship · 70% Eastern Orthodox; 7% Protestant; 6% Roman Catholic; 1% Muslim · Prayer Suggestion: Confess your sins to the Lord; He is quick to forgive (Psalms 32:5).

Optional Reading: Mark 1

Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 5:6