Bible Pathways 01/30/2002
January 30
Read Exodus 38 -- 39
In Today's Reading:
Again we see God's precise instructions regarding even the garments the priests should wear -- a mastery of ornate design, a magnificent piece of work -- nothing was left for personal preference. It reminds us of how important it is for us to carefully read God's instructions for our lives. Where? In the Bible!
Verse for Today:
All the work of the Tabernacle of the Tent of the Congregation was finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses (Exodus 39:32).
Altar of Burnt Offering; Brass Laver; Tabernacle courtyard; priest garments; Tabernacle inspected by Moses.
God had walked with Adam in the Garden of Eden; He had spoken to Abraham; He had given His Law to Moses; but the Tabernacle in the wilderness was the first Dwelling Place on earth for God to be among His chosen people.
Nothing about the Tabernacle was left to human planning, for God had an exact design for His Holy Dwelling Place.
Later, God the Son came to earth to dwell among His people, and the Word was made flesh (a human being), and dwelt among us (John 1:14).
After Jesus ascended back into Heaven, the precious Holy Spirit came from Heaven to indwell all who accept Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and Savior: Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).
We are the Dwelling Place or Holy Temple of God, being built together as a place where God lives through His Spirit (Ephesians 2:21-22). Therefore, no true child of God can plead ignorance to the fact that God wants him to live a different kind of life from the way the world lives. The life He would have us live is more than keeping the Ten Commandments, and it is never the result of human wisdom. It is made possible by the indwelling Holy Spirit Who enlightens our understanding to discern the will of God as we read His Word, the Bible.
The Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit . . . shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you (John 14:26).
A Thought from Proverbs: The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate (8:13).
Christ Revealed:
Through the Golden Altar and its incense representing prayers going up to Heaven where we see Christ praying for us (Exodus 39:38; also John 17:9).
Word Studies:
38:4 under the compass = rested upon a new ledge; 38:17 chapiters of silver = tops with silver; 38:18 answerable = corresponding; 38:21 sum = summarizes the various things needed; 39:2 ephod = high priest's garment worn over the shoulders and hanging down both front and back, the breastplate of judgment was attached to it; 39:3 wires = fine strings; 39:10 sardius = ruby; 39:13 ouches = settings for a brooch worn as jewelry; 39:15 wreathen = twisted; 39:23 habergeon = sleeveless coat; band = a woven binding to keep it from tearing.
Prayer Needs:
Government Officials: Rep. John Baldacci (ME), Vice President Dick Chaney, Gov. Frank O'Bannon (IN), and Rep. Frank Wolf (VA) · Pray for your Sunday School teacher · Country: Russia (150 million) northeastern Europe and northern Asia · Major language: Russian · Religious freedom · 55% Russian/Armenian/Georgian/Old Believers Orthodox; 9% Muslim; .8% Shamanist/animist; .7% Protestant; .6% Buddhist; .5% Catholic · Prayer Suggestion: Be glad in the Lord and rejoice at all times (Psalms 32:11).
Optional Reading: Mark 2
Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 5:6