Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways 03/12/2002

March 12

Read Deuteronomy 32 -- 34

In Today's Reading:

The ROCK. God loves the Israelites. He keeps them as though they are the Apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10). Moses continues his song and tells the people to meditate on all the laws. Just before Moses's death, God commends Moses, for there has never been another prophet like Moses to whom the Lord talked to him face to face (see 34:10-12).

Verse for Today:

The eternal God is your Refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27).


The Song of Moses; Moses permitted to see the Promised Land; Moses blesses the 12 tribes; death of Moses on Mount Nebo; Joshua succeeds Moses.

The long wilderness journey was not an unfortunate obstacle between Egypt and the Promised Land. The events that took place as the Israelites journeyed through the desert were the means God used to let the world know that failure is inevitable to all who complain, find fault, and are dissatisfied with His arrangement of their lives. It was also necessary to develop the Israelites' trust in the eternal God as their refuge, protected by His everlasting arms. The journey was needed for the new generation to develop faith in God and to follow Joshua into the Promised Land.

Joshua's purpose was to lead them to recognize their inabilities and the necessity of faith that leads to loving obedience. He said: Set your hearts to all the words which I testify among you . . . you shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this Law (Deuteronomy 32:46).

Moses reminded the Israelites that God had delivered them from Egypt because of His forgiving love and endless mercy. Furthermore, for 40 years God had protected, provided for, and preserved them in the wilderness. Therefore they should trust Him to give them victory over the Canaanites in the Promised Land.

God not only keeps His Word, but He pours out even greater blessings than He promises.

The everlasting arms of God are ever-present and sufficient to meet every possible need of all who set their hearts to observe to do all the words of His Law. Regardless of circumstances, you can count on God to keep His Word. He will never let you down. He will lift up the downcast, forgive and cleanse the repentant sinner and supply the needs of all who will trust Him and ask.

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).

A Thought from Psalms: The proud have had me greatly in derision: yet have I not declined (turned aside) from Your Law (119:51).

Christ Revealed:

As the Rock (Deuteronomy 32:4) That spiritual Rock that followed them was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4).

Word Studies:

32:6 requite = repay; 32:15 Jeshurun = a term of endearment for Israel, it is translated "the beloved one" or "righteous one"; 32:33 dragons = serpents; 32:44 Hoshea = Joshua; 33:17 unicorns = wild oxen; push = gore; butt.

Prayer Needs:

Government Official: Sen. Kent Conrad (ND) · Pray for your Pastor · Country: Ukraine (52 million) east-central Europe · Major languages: Ukrainian and Russian · Religious freedom · 55% Ukrainian/Autocephalous/Old Believers/Armenian Orthodox; 15% Catholic; 3% Protestant; 1% Jews; .5% Muslim · Prayer Suggestion: Pray that your decisions will always be to please the Lord (Psalms 73:24).

Optional Reading: John 3

Memory Verse for the Week: Matthew 5:14

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