Bible Pathways 07/31/2003
July 31
Read Song of Solomon 1 -- 8
In Today's Reading:
Virtues of married love — symbolic of Christ's love for the church
This poem describes the wholesome enjoyment of married love between a man and a woman. It expresses the delight of the bridegroom in the bride and of the bride in her husband. The bride describes her wonderful memories as her bridegroom tarries. The whole narrative has a dreamlike quality. The circumstances are vague and not such as occur in ordinary life. The longing, the wondering, and the searching represent the images of dreams. The bride was asleep on her bed, but her thoughts were continually about her absent bridegroom. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not (Song of Solomon 3:1).
Every believer is assured that my beloved is mine, and I am his (2:16), for Jesus Christ has entered into our very lives. Our love relationship continues to grow and deepen as we spend time listening to Him speak to us as we read His Word. We become different persons by virtue of our relationship with the coming Bridegroom. He is my life. I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20).
Sometimes we enjoy a very close sense of the presence of Christ. But, all too often, His presence seems far away. Yet our love for Him continues to grow as we wait expectantly for that first glimpse of Him when He welcomes us home.
As the bride, we wait with great anticipation for the return of our Bridegroom Jesus when we too will be able to say: He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love (Song of Solomon 2:4).
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's House are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:1-3).
Christ Revealed:
As the chiefest among ten thousand (Song of Solomon 5:10). Jesus is the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16).
Word Studies:
1:3 savour = fragrance; 1:11 borders = ornaments; 1:12 spikenard = perfume; 1:16 our bed is green = we recline on a grassy field; 2:5 flagons = cakes of raisins or grapes; sick of love = lovesick; 4:4 bucklers = shields; 5:4 bowels = heart; 8:5 raised = awakened.
Prayer Needs:
BP Staff: Pam Pendergrast · Pray for Wycliffe Bible Translators · the International Shortwave Radio Broadcast sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hash · Government Officials: Rep. Adam Putnam (FL) and Rep. Joe Wilson (SC) · Country: Maldives (300,000) 400 miles southwest of Sri Lanka · Major languages: Divehi and English · Christian witnessing is banned · 99.9% Muslim; .1% Christian · Prayer Suggestion: Ask to be guided by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16).
Optional Reading: Hebrews 8
Memory Verse for the Week: Romans 3:24