Crosswalk Couples Devotional

The Gift of Marriage - Crosswalk Couples Devotional - March 21

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Gift of Marriage
By: Jennifer Waddle

In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. (Genesis 5:1-2)

There is no guesswork as to when or how marriage originated. It didn’t evolve over time. It wasn’t a ceremonial ritual that people invented. It wasn’t even a romantic gesture for couples who were committed to each other. The marriage union was the starting point for the first man and woman God created. For in the beginning, God created man in His own likeness. He fashioned both male and female and blessed them. Marriage was, and still is, a precious gift from God.

Unfortunately, this precious gift has been reduced to a superficial prize, similar to something found at the bottom of a Cracker-Jack box. The intimate value of marriage has been exchanged for a cheaper version of romance and casual commitment. So, how can we reclaim God’s beautifully wrapped gift, and open it anew?

If your marriage has become a shallow representation of what God intended it to be, please take heart. It’s not too late to restart! In fact, in the article 5 Ways to Reset Your Marriage, Joshua Straub admits, “Deep down, we all dream about how our lives and relationships could be better. Yet, we often think the dreams are unrealistic.”

Having a renewed marriage in Christ is not an unrealistic dream! It’s something God longs to do for you and your spouse. The question is, will you come together and discover anew, the precious gift you’ve been given?

Schedule a time—even a weekend getaway—when you and your spouse can spend some heart-to-heart moments dreaming about what will make your marriage thrive. Don’t hold back! Be honest about what isn’t working. Admit how you’ve taken each other for granted. Confess how you’ve lost the excitement of opening the gift of marriage day in and day out. Most of all, commit your relationship to God and ask Him to renew it as only He can. For more about renewing your marriage, check out this article: 10 Bible Verses for a Fresh Start.

There’s no doubt that marriage is a God-given gift, to be valued, cherished, and enjoyed. Reclaim the gift you’ve been given, and remember the One from Whom it was given.

Jennifer Waddle considers herself a Kansas girl, married to a Colorado hunk, with a heart to encourage women everywhere. She is the author of several books, including Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayer, and is a regular contributor for LifeWay, Crosswalk, Abide, and Christians Care International. Jennifer’s online ministry is where you can find her books and sign up for her weekly post, Discouragement Doesn’t Win. She resides with her family near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite place on earth.

Related Resource: How to Make Your Prayer Habits Stick

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