Be Sober and Alert - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 6
Be Sober and Alert
By Michelle Lazurek
Bible Reading:
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” - 1 Peter 5:8
A pastor and fellow author friend emailed me one day asking if I had worked with a particular publishing company. He told me the company sent him a link to my book and said they collaborated on illustrations with my publisher. After some quick thinking and about an hour’s worth of research, we both quickly realized it was all a scam.
This self-publishing company told him they had worked on my book to scam him out of money for illustrations. After some angry emails to the manager, I told her I had never worked with that company and that they were wrong for sending false information to my friend. I hope it will scare the owner enough not to scam people using fake links for illustrations.
If not for my friend’s willingness to check the source and not unquestioningly believe what she told him, we would never have caught this scam. However, he could contact me and verify the information because we were personal friends. It would have been easy for him to be deceived into thinking that this company had a hand in the gorgeous illustrations accompanying my book. But with some discernment and knowledge from the Lord, we could discern that the information she gave him was all a lie.
In the above verse, Paul reminds us to always be on alert. Satan will use whatever schemes are necessary to get him to believe his lies. It would have been easy for my friend to believe this woman's lies because he knew me and could have thought she knew me, too. However, verifying the source of the information and testing it against my testimony proved the information was a lie.
It is essential for us as Christians to always test what we hear and see with Scripture. This applies to anything we hear in church or what society tells us. It is easy to believe a lie when we don't verify the source of the information. However, part of being sober and alert in our judgment is verifying sources and ensuring we can clearly think through the information. It is also important to be anchored in the Word to know precisely what to do when Satan's lies get the best of us.
Are there times in your life when Satan has lied to you and made you feel as if your worth and value are in what society says rather than what God says? Have you taken the time to see if those lies align with Scripture and the promises of God? Some quick reading and in-depth research into the word of God will prove those lies are false. We must constantly be testing our thoughts and feelings against the word of God.
Satan is so willing to deceive us into believing his lies and taking our minds and focus off of Christ. As the above verse suggests, he is like a lion, prowling quietly, waiting for his next victim. When he sees an opportunity, he will pounce on us. Satan takes advantage of every opportunity he can when we are vulnerable and weak when our thoughts don't align with Scripture. That is the perfect time for the enemy to pounce.
Read the word of God often. Study it and memorize it. Scripture was the one thing Jesus had when Satan tempted him in the desert. When Satan tempted Jesus to question his identity, his abilities, or who God was in his life, Jesus combated him with one thing: the word of God. The word of God is our anchor and our best weapon against the enemy, a roaring lion ready to devour us at any moment. Be sober and alert, allowing the word of God to be your guide.
Father, help us to be sober and alert, always watching for the devil. Anchor us in God's word so the truth comes easily to our minds. Check the lies we believe against the word of God. May you reveal yourself to us so we can keep you in our minds and hearts. Amen.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
What steps can you take today to remain sober and alert against the devil’s schemes?
Further Reading:
James 4:7
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Sergey Tinyakov
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