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The Day that Changed Everything - Crosswalk the Devotional - April 14

Crosswalk the Devotional

It is finished: The Day that Changed Everything
By Debbie McDaniel

“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30

Good Friday - the day that changed everything.

When Christ breathed His last on the cross, it offered freedom and new life for us all. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. Those 3 words he breathed with his last and final strength say it all, “It is finished.”

That word for “finished” actually means to be “paid in full.” Our debt is paid. Our sin is forgiven. Our past is covered. Our future is secure. Because of the great gift of Christ’s love and sacrifice.

There was no other way for the door to be opened for us to have relationship with God, but through the cross.

And His power was greatly displayed:

- "Darkness came over all the land." Matthew 27:25 From noon on Friday until 3 pm, the skies grew dark. This was a very real picture of both physical and spiritual darkness that occurs without belief in Christ. Even nature all around gave testimony of who Christ was and the grief of what was happening.

- At the very moment that Jesus breathed his last breath, the Temple veil that covered the entrance to the Holy of Holies, the actual dwelling place of God among the people, was torn in 2 from top to bottom. Matthew 27:51 History records that the veil was 60 feet tall and up to 4" in thickness. The size of the veil would have made it impossible for any person to tear it into 2 pieces. This signified that He had opened the door for us to come in and have relationship with Him. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so the veil, or separation, was no longer needed. He paved the way for us to enter His presence through Christ Himself.

- "The earth shook and the rocks split." Matthew 27:51 A huge earthquake shook the land right at the very time Christ died. The Bible says at the exact time of Jesus' death, the whole earth trembled. The earth cried out because of the death of our Savior.

- Graves opened up, the saints came out, and after the resurrection they appeared to many people. Matthew 27:52-53 The dead arose when Jesus died. God brought to life what was dead to fulfill His purposes. Again, He reminds us that the final victory of Christ conquered sin and death. For He is Lord over all.

- Lives were changed. Many began to realize who Jesus really was, they could no longer deny the truth that was revealed. Matthew 27:54 says, "When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, Surely he was the Son of God!"

It is finished.

Thank you dear Jesus.

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15

Intersecting Faith & Life: We have so much to be grateful for. Thank God today for the incredible sacrifice and gift that Christ paid on the cross, on our behalf. Spend some time just reflecting on that powerful day, Christ victorious over sin, darkness covering the land, temple veil torn in two, earth shaking, death conquered, lives changed. “Dear Lord, thank you that you paid it all. We give you thanks and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Further Reading:
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:9-10

Find more by Debbie at www.debbiemcdaniel.comFacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

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