The Crosswalk Devotional

Crosswalk the Devotional - Feb. 7, 2008


February 7, 2008

Hope in a Haircut 
by Laura MacCorkle, Senior Entertainment Editor

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5, NIV

Hope in a haircut? What kind of devotional title is that? Well, if you’re a woman then you probably know where I’m going with this. Men, stay with me.

Hair is a security blanket for the female set. And, among other things, it’s where we can mistakenly place a lot of our self-worth and hope. So you can just imagine how I felt when I thought I got a bad haircut recently (keyword here is thought).

Because at the time, I was not happy. What I saw was not what I had wanted. My world had been shaken, the circumstances were making me uncomfortable and I couldn’t control what had happened to my hair.

So, in times like this, a gal will usually will take matters into her own hands. Literally. Especially if you’re like me and you’re not afraid of the household scissors or the word “fixin'.” But after a tearful, anger-filled snip here and there, I finally called the hair stylist and left a message asking her to fix it. But I had to wait about four days until I heard back, because she was on vacation. 

Interestingly enough, something very peculiar happened during that lull. I had time to think and get some perspective. And you know what? My attitude changed! I realized that the ‘do was actually not as bad as I first thought. And that life would go on.

Now a man could liken my initial reaction to how he feels when his favorite sports team loses (how ‘bout that recent Super Bowl, hmmm?). And a “sports funk” can ensue for a few days or so. Because what he thought should have happened didn’t. And now he’s not happy. 

Likewise with women and their hair. We can have a “funk,” too. And after going through my own, I realized how stupid it was for me to put my hope in a haircut. When I realized how something as trivial as my hair—and my lack of control over my hair—affected me and my attitude, well I just had to laugh and thank the Lord He loves a selfish and wayward child like myself—who is looking anywhere but heavenward for hope.

Ultimately, nothing here on earth can ever compare to the hope we have in the Lord. Bad haircuts and the stuff of this earth will always fail me and shake up my world. But His love is unfailing. 

Thank goodness my “Master Stylist” knows what is right for me. I don’t need to wield my household scissors and help out, as God has the perfect, custom design for my life. How can I not feel hopeful after time spent in his “chair” and in his presence?

Intersecting Faith & Life: What’s getting in your way of putting your hope in the Lord?  Possessions?  Relationships?  Entertainment?  Work? Your hair? Try making some changes or eliminations in one of these areas today (perhaps turning off your television for the entire evening). Then gauge how you feel as a result. God may be telling you something.

Further Reading

Psalm 33:12-19
Walking the Trail of Hope