Life that Conquers Death by Sarah Jennings, Family Editor
Brothers and sisters: Are you unaware that we who were
baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized
into his death? We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so
that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we
too might live in newness of life.Romans 6: 3-4 My brother-in-law, Rick, read these words aloud at our
packed Easter Vigil service moments before he approached the altar to be
baptized by our pastor. After years of prayer and months of formal preparation,
the moment had finally arrived. Dressed in his best suit, Rick ascended the old
marble steps where our pastor waited. Rick’s 3-year-old son showed supernatural
concentration as he craned his neck from his pew to take in “Daddy’s special
moment.” With a mix of solemnity and joy, our pastor poured the blessed water
over Rick, speaking the words Christ shared with the Apostles centuries ago:
“Richard, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit…”
While my brother-in-law winced at the stream of water
pouring over his face, my younger sister laid in a hospital 4 hours away. She
was in the throws of advanced labor. After nine long months of suffering and
planning, the moment was finally here. As her baby made her entrance into the
world, the doctor exclaimed -- much to my sister and her husband’s shock, “It’s a
And so, on March 22nd, Evelyn Rose (weighing a whopping
9lbs, 5oz) and Richard Charles experienced new life – one born, and the other
born again.
As I think of the newly baptized and my little sister in
that hospital room, I can’t help but imagine the heavenly courts breaking out
into celebration. What could be more glorifying to God than seeing those He has
loved before the beginning of time experiencing new life in Him? And what could
be a more perfect time than on the feast of our Lord’s resurrection to experience
this new life?
Yet, Paul makes it clear in his letter to the Romans
that death precedes new life, the cross precedes Easter morning. Baptism is not merely a sentimental ritual. It’s
a serious affair that acknowledges the seriousness we face in this life.
Neither physical nor spiritual birth come without suffering, and yet through Christ's miraculous resurrection, both
births carry with them unique and immeasurable joy.
Perhaps you’ve experienced death in your life - death of a
relationship, death of a dream, or even the finality of physical death.
During this Easter season, commit these deaths to the Lord. Trust that from
each death we experience, no matter how dark or terrible, new life will spring
forth if we are baptized in Him.
Intersecting Faith & Life: Do you know someone in need of new life in Christ? Commit to
pray for them this week.