God Is Love - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 5
God Is Love
By Whitney Hopler
“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” – 1 John 4:16 (NIV)
It inspires me to hear near-death experience stories from people who have clinically died and been resuscitated. Millions of people from around the world have experienced that, and I’ve heard or read thousands of people’s reports over the years. Everyone who said they met God after dying described God using the same word: love. That one characteristic of God is so strong, many said, that the love they felt from God was overwhelming.
1 John 4:16 reminds us of a fundamental truth about God: He is love. This verse encapsulates the essence of God’s character and nature. It’s not just that God loves, but that he is love itself. God’s love is not contingent upon our actions or worthiness. It flows from the core of his being. When we say “God is love,” we’re not just asserting that love is one of God’s attributes, like power or wisdom. Instead, we’re declaring that love defines God’s nature. It's the heart of who God is. Every aspect of God’s being flows from his boundless, unconditional love.
This truth is revolutionary! It reshapes our understanding of God and redefines our relationship with him. It means that every encounter we have with God – every prayer we say, every tear we shed, every joy we celebrate – is saturated with God’s love. We are not dealing with a distant deity who is indifferent to our lives; we are engaging with a God who loves us completely and unconditionally.
Since God is love, his love is unchanging. It’s not subject to our changing emotions and circumstances. God’s love remains constant, steadfast, and eternal. No matter what challenges we may face in life, we can always rely on the reality that God’s love will be there for us. We can notice God’s presence with us and discover the wonder of God’s work around us.
God’s love is also inclusive. It knows no boundaries, respects no barriers, and excludes no one. It’s a love that reaches out to the outcast, embraces the marginalized, and welcomes the broken. It’s a love that transcends race, gender, nationality, and social status. In God’s eyes, every person is a beloved soul, worthy of his love and deserving of his grace.
Ultimately, to know and rely on the love God has for us is to enter into the deepest, most intimate relationship imaginable. It’s to be held in the embrace of a love that will never let us go. It’s to experience the fullness of life, the richness of joy, and the assurance of salvation that can only be found in God’s unlimited love. This truth can sink deep into our souls and transform us from the inside out. Living in love is more than just a feeling or emotion; it’s a way of life. It’s about serving others, just as Jesus did for us. It can give us confidence to live with purpose, compel us to love others as we have been loved through intentional kindness, and to show grace and mercy to others as God has shown to us. As believers, we have the blessing of knowing and relying on this love. It’s not just an abstract concept but a tangible reality that we can experience daily. When we live in God’s love, we find perfect peace. It becomes the foundation upon which we build our lives.
When we choose to dwell in God’s love, we invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. His presence fills our hearts, transforming us from the inside out. We become vessels of God’s love, radiating his light into a dark world in desperate need of it.
Intersecting Faith and Life:
As you reflect on how God is love, consider these questions:
- How deeply do you believe in God’s love for you? Are there areas of your life where you struggle to accept or receive God’s love?
- In what ways do you currently rely on God’s love in your daily life? Are there areas where you tend to rely more on your own strength or understanding?
- Think of a recent situation where you found it challenging to love others. How can viewing that situation through the lens of God’s love change your perspective or response?
Try these ways to embrace God’s love in your life:
- Start each day by meditating on God’s love for you. Remind yourself that you are deeply cherished and valued by God.
- Practice gratitude for the ways God has shown his love in your life. Keep a journal or gratitude list to record these blessings.
- Look for opportunities to demonstrate love to others – especially those who may be difficult to love or who are in need.
- Cultivate a habit of forgiving others for their mistakes, since God has forgiven you for yours.
- Surround yourself with reminders of God’s love, such by displaying Bible verses and listening to worship music regularly.
Further Reading:
1 John 4:8
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Ephesians 3:17-19
Romans 8:38-39
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/kieferpix
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