The Crosswalk Devotional

Living Out Love in Action - The Crosswalk Devotional - February 15

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Living Out Love in Action
By Megan Conner

Bible Reading:
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” – 1 John 3:18 (NLT)

How many times have you noticed someone standing off in the corner of a crowded room, clearly uncomfortable and feeling out of place, or possibly even unwelcome? What did you do when you saw their isolation? Did you walk over and invite them into conversation and community? Or did you simply turn away and engage with those around you?

What about when you saw someone in need? Or heard a petition for assistance through church announcements or shared by someone on social media? Did you respond and offer a helping hand or did you assume others would help in your stead?

What about a request for prayer? We are so quick to respond or post, “I’m praying for you… sending prayers… or simply entering a praying hands emoji.” But how many times do we actually beseech God on behalf of those we assured we would cover in prayer?

Intimacy and relationship with our Lord through daily Bible study, times of prayer, and attending church are beautiful ways to grow our faith and powerful spiritual disciplines to help us daily walk out our salvation. However, our call to Christianity must be more than just “me and Jesus.” Our faith must be connected to action. The New Testament book of James calls believers to step out and demonstrate their faith in real, tangible ways.

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds,” (James 2:17-18, NIV).

Often when we think of living out our faith, we imagine going to the nations, making a decision to serve in ministry, or publicly evangelizing for Jesus on street corners or at rallies. While these are all wonderful contributions to the promotional of the gospel, often the greatest impacts are the result of seemingly insignificant offerings rather than grand gestures. Like miniscule seeds sown that grow into formidable trees, the smallest acts of kindness can have ripple effects that last a lifetime.

Our minds and days are full of distractions, and it is much easier to just “do you,” than to carry the concerns of others. However, by intentionally choosing to share kindness we can care well for those around us. Showing the love of Jesus can be as simple as giving a stranger or the brokenhearted your undivided attention. Look for the overlooked. Search for the outcast. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who is hiding hurt behind a placid mask. Can you invite them into a conversation? Could you offer a meal to someone walking through grief? Should you speak up for someone unable to do so for themselves? Could you offer to carry another in prayer, and then truly follow-up with that promise? Perhaps all that is needed is a simple smile. Whatever it is, we all need to feel seen and valued by others and by God.

When we consider what it means to be a light in this dark world, may we look inward to the state of own hearts before we cast judgement on others who appear to be far from the Lord, or struggling with their faith.  Perhaps all they need is to know is that someone cares. Jesus calls us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:39). He has called us to live out His love in action.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God,” (Micah 6:8, NIV).

Intersecting Faith & Life:

How are you putting your love for God into action? Do you easily overlook the concerns of others, or are you regularly searching for someone who might need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear?  Perhaps you are someone who often feels like the outcast. Is it possible that there is community available for you if you were willing to step out and be the first to extend kindness instead of waiting for others to come to you? Wherever you find yourself today, may I challenge us to take a quick inventory of our hearts and actions. May we choose to intentionally incorporate small acts of kindness into our daily walk with the Lord.

Further Reading:
1 John 3:11-24
Psalm 43:3-5

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Choreograph 

Megan Conner bio pic author profileMegan Conner is an author, editor, avid consumer of literature, writing consultant, and overall lover of all things creative! She is passionate about the written word and compelling storytelling. Whether that is through imaginative and whimsical children’s literature or faith-based works that allow readers to be immersed in narratives of authentic faith shared through the lives of imperfect people, Megan hopes to remind audiences of the beauty and power of shared stories.

To read more from Megan, check out her Blog, Just One More Chapter. If you would like to connect further with Megan, you can discover more on her Website, on Facebook, or Instagram.

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