Secure in Shifting Sand - The Crosswalk Devotional - January 18
Secure in Shifting Sand
By Megan Conner
Bible Reading:
“For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done.” – Isaiah 46:9-10 (NKJV)
Anyone else feel like the only thing certain in this world is the uncertainty of change? Every time you think your feet are firmly planted with expectations and plans solidified; you suddenly find yourself in shifting sand. It can be frustrating and downright exhausting to lose what appeared to be firm footing and, once again, trudge through the unknown. Especially in today’s unpredictable and constantly evolving world, we wonder… is there no solid assurance we can cling to? Where is the predictability? Where is the security?
I don’t know about you, but I long for predictability and security – like, all the time. If I could have it my way, very little would change. It’s not that I am completely opposed to the new and the next, progress has brought much good in my own life and in our world. The issue is… change equals the unknown. And there is no guarantee of “safety” in the unknown. Perhaps change and uncertainty are challenging for you as well. Even if you are more naturally adventurous, navigating a shift can still be difficult, especially if it feels like you are walking onward without a roadmap.
So much of what we hear or read today challenges our ability to believe wholeheartedly in the concept of absolute truth. Ideas and doctrines swirl around inciting doubt and mistrust of the One constant that remains immutable in the midst of all of the temporal. At times we can feel like we are stumbling through the darkness with arms outstretched grasping for light and direction. On what can we truly depend?
While the winds of change may blow, we can remain tethered to our unchanging, eternal God. He is “the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end)… who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty,” (Rev. 1:8, NIV). He “is the same yesterday and today and forever,” (Heb. 13:8, NIV). No matter what goes on in our lives or in this world, he does not change. Period. He is not a man that he should lie. He does not change his mind (Num. 23:19). He, and he alone, is God. Though confusion in our world threatens to tear down any sense of certainty, we can trust that truth will prevail; truth that is outlined for us in the Word of God. Through this text, we believe not only in words written on a page, but in he who penned them.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:1-5, NIV.
There is nothing in all of creation that was made without him. He is our beacon of light that shines through the shadows. He has been here since the beginning and he will be here through the end. From ancient times to things yet to come, he will forever remain our unchanging God. With this assurance, I pray you can know that while uncertainty and change will remain this side of heaven, there is One who will never change. He is our firm foundation. He sees you. He cares for you. You can be secure in shifting sand.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
Do you ever find yourself struggling through unexpected changes or shifting sand? When you feel lost and confused, where do you go for clarity and understanding? After reading today’s devotional, can you see how often our God reveals his character to us? Why do you think there are so many statements about God’s nature and attributes in the Bible? What is he trying to tell us? How does understanding his promise to remain unchanging, grant you assurance of his faithfulness in this life? Take some time today to write down a few scriptures that declare the truth of who God is so when unexpected transitions occur, or doubts arise, you can remember he is your firm foundation.
Further Reading:
John 1:1-18
Rev. 1:4-8
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Austin Ban
To read more from Megan, check out her Blog, Just One More Chapter. If you would like to connect further with Megan, you can discover more on her Website, on Facebook, or Instagram.
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