Staying in Awe of the Lord Who Saves - The Crosswalk Devotional - January 6
Staying in Awe of the Lord Who Saves
By Keri Eichberger
Bible Reading:
She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21
It happened again. It was mid-December, and with the entire congregation belting out holy songs of praise in the name of the blessed baby Jesus, we prepared our hearts for, and celebrated, the coming King. And once again, I desperately longed to feel fresh awe of the birth of our Messiah. Tears brimmed at the hope of harnessing the miracle and profound impact this magnificent moment in time had had on my life.
The following morning, I couldn’t help but sit a little longer and linger in my quiet time. I read and re-read my devotion, I thumbed to the scripture prompts at the end, I browsed all the surrounding verses and stories. I prayed and praised God for everything I could possibly think to be blessed by. I asked my heavenly Father to align my heart with his, to make my thoughts his thoughts. And I listened in stillness.
I knew it wouldn’t be long until the sparkle of the season would fade, the dullness of winter would set it, and the sparks of the Christmas story would start to dim. But how could I keep the flame alive?
When my soul had settled, I opened my eyes and glanced over at my husband—who by the way is always seated next to me during my devotion and prayer time. His stare met mine and he enchantedly asked, “Do you know what Jesus means?” Sifting through my slightly unsure memory bank of facts, I hesitantly responded, “Something about ‘Savior’...?”
“Yes. It means the Lord saves.” he confirmed with a comforted smile. Combined with the fact that my husband sitting beside me with his bible in his lap is quite possibly the sweetest song to my sight, tears stung my eyes at his overt discovery. The thing is, I knew Jesus is our Savior, that this is what we were in the midst of celebrating, and also what I was hungry to sink my heart deeper into in that season. But in that moment, the Holy Spirit pricked my soul to assertively say, Keri, ‘The Lord saves’ is an active, alive, every moment, ever-present truth. Yes, he should be boldly praised now, but just as much everyday. I was receiving the reminder that the Lord saved then, now, and actively saves still today. And he’ll never stop. And in that moment I was also reminded that his saving has been and is… everything. He saved me when I was lost in darkness, sin, and sadness, and he still saves me everyday from so much.
What did he save you from? What is he saving you from still today?
Maybe like me, outside of Christmas time you’ve too casually considered the Lord as Savior too. But, while he saved us from the ultimate consequences of sin. From destruction and death. He also saves us and offers an escape from everyday struggles like worry, weariness, and loneliness. Temptation, discouragement, and discontentment too. And in turn gives us peace, strength, and comfort. Guidance, encouragement, and light here on earth. And ultimately eternal life with him in our forever home in heaven.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
Of course, we should lay all things down at Christmas to celebrate our King. But now that the season has turned—the tree is down, the lights are back in storage, and most radio stations have returned to secular selections—we still have so much to celebrate. And I hope you’ll keep celebrating with me. Because there are souls being saved in the name of Jesus every day. And he is still actively saving you and me each moment too. He always will. How wonderful is that?
The lyrics of “I thank God” washed over my soul that morning as I reflected on our living Savior…
He picked me up
He turned me around
He placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master
I thank the Savior.
Child of God, Jesus is the Lord who saves. He is your always active and alive savior. And he is mine. Let’s stay in awe and celebrate the Savior of the world today and every day. Praise him for all he is, and all he does, and everything he will forever do.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/m-imagephotography
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