The Beauty of a New Day - The Crosswalk Devotional - March 27
The Beauty of a New Day
By Aaron D’Anthony Brown
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” (Lamentations 3:22-23, CSB)
I can attest to the relief that comes with waking in the morning with fresh anticipation for what the day has in store. The same relief that says goodbye to the anguish of yesterday and hello to new possibilities. Though, I can also relate to the opposite. Making the most out of tomorrow is difficult when you’re stuck on yesterday. I’ve been stuck before. Many times. Frustrations with work. Anger directed at a friend. Harboring unforgiveness toward myself. Sometimes, I even wake up with the same illness that troubled me the day or days before.
What if every time we awoke in the morning, we saw the new day as a reset, an opportunity for something different than the previous day?
Many times over, Scripture reminds us of the importance perspective plays in our lives, including in The Book of Lamentations.
“Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
These two verses highlight God’s love for His children. We see that His affections are both powerful and enduring. Since that love is greater than sin, we do not perish. We are not defeated by circumstances. This includes situations like financial insecurity, relational conflict, and work displacement. The endurance is proven by the fact that God’s divine mercy is available in fresh supply each morning. While we may have struggled a great deal the day before, the Lord does not tire of supporting us. If our own sin is to blame for the struggle, God still does not tire of forgiveness or support.
This is great news for those days when we awake feeling very much like we did yesterday. The truth is that in our fallible and sinful nature, we are not always able to fully disconnect ourselves from yesterday’s woes. Whether we’re sick, or troubled by strife, or whether there’s a particular emotion we just can’t shake.
Thankfully, in light of the wisdom given to us through Scripture, we can work to reshape our perspectives.
Intersecting Faith & Life:
Much like studying a textbook prepares you for a test, learning Scripture prepares you for life. With a wiser perspective, we learn to see God in specific way: reliable, just, loving, and powerful. We also learn how to treat our tomorrows.
Each day, we have the ability to make a choice. We can choose to live in anticipation of what new blessings may come, or we can choose to relive the same experiences that troubled us before. Remember, God’s mercies are new every morning. Therefore, who are we to condemn ourselves based on yesterday’s transgressions or, for that same reason, condemn anyone else? In His love, He affords us the opportunity to move past the effects of sin toward better things. Prior woes could find themselves suddenly resolved, but even if they do not, God’s Word assures us that His peace is always available (Philippians 4:6-7). Always.
Each day, we should also find more than enough reason to give God thanks. He never tires of supporting us, even during those times when we act against him. Even during those times when we pray for support despite ourselves being the problem. We should thank Him for new days bringing new possibilities and for not being stuck under the power of sin. How could we not thank Him for the love He shows us day in and day out?
Lastly, we should make the most of God’s unending mercies. If a new day means another opportunity to live as a new creation, then there is no credible reason to believe the lie that we are stuck being in the same people tied to the same circumstances. Every day, we get a chance to better conform ourselves to the image of Christ. We can become wiser, stronger, smarter, and all the more loving. All we have to do every morning is make that choice.
Nowadays, when I wake up in the morning, I have an easier time moving on from yesterday. I’m able to thank God for what was and thank Him all the more for what will be. Once you manage to do the same, you will likewise be able to embrace the beauty of a new day.
Further Reading:
Romans 8:28
Isaiah 26:3
Jeremiah 29:11
2 Corinthians 4:16
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/kieferpix
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