The Crosswalk Devotional

"The Impossible Is Possible" - Crosswalk the Devotional - Jan. 30, 2012



January 30, 2012

The Impossible Is Possible
Laura MacCorkle, Senior Editor

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV

How many times have you said to yourself, “Well that will never happen!”

Oftentimes, it is easy to get discouraged in this life, to shelve our hopes and dreams and to keep our focus on what is instead of on what could be or what is promised to us in the Word.

I’ve been reading the book of Genesis again this winter and have been struck once more with how God worked in the lives of Abraham and Sarah. In Genesis 18, the LORD told Abraham that in a year from that moment, he and Sarah would have a son.

“I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son,” he said (v. 10).

Now, children are great and all, but beyond the pink and the blue what was so meaningful to Abraham and Sarah about this promise of things to come? It was significant because to the human eye it seemed impossible. Yes, God had made a covenant with Abraham (Gen. 17:1-2) and told him he would have many descendants. But Abraham was now 99 years old, and Sarah was 90 and barren. That’s the end of life for most of us in today’s space-time continuum and way past the typical childbearing years. But in God’s economy, it was the perfect time for him to deliver upon the promise he had made. 

While Abraham was hearing this word and the exact timing of when God said it would come to pass, Sarah was also listening.

“So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, ‘After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?’” (v. 12).

I’m sure many of us have taken upon this “laughing attitude” as well in our own lives when considering what seems to be impossible in our current life circumstances. You’re probably thinking about whatever that is right now—a child, a soul mate, a dream job, a cure for your illness, no more debt . . . whatever.

You’ve also probably shed some tears over what seems impossible to you right now and you’ve moved on to laughter—or rather unbelief—like Sarah. Really, God ... how could this ever happen in my life at this point? It’s too unbelievable.

But the LORD heard her and said to Abraham: “’Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (v. 13-14).

Ask yourself that same question. Is it? Is anything too hard for the Lord? What have you given up on in your own life? What are you “laughing” about today that signifies your unbelief?

In chapter 21, we see how God’s promise came to pass. He was “gracious to Sarah, as he had said,” and she bore a son to Abraham “at the very time God had promised him.” His name was Isaac, he was a miracle and he was—and is—a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness even when we laugh and don’t believe.

I believe stories like Abraham and Sarah’s are included in God’s Word so that we will better understand the nature of God. It’s about him and not us. It’s about what he has done, is doing and will do. It’s about the joy that only he can bring. It’s about trusting him along the journey and believing in the One who created all things, knows all things and can do all things—even the impossible.

Intersecting Faith & Life: What circumstances in your life require a mountain-sized miracle today? Thank God for the ultimate miracle of making the impossible possible—that he saves us through HIS indescribable work and by HIS amazing grace.

Further Reading:

1 Kings 17:7-16, NIV

Job 38:4-38, NIV

Rev. 4:11, NIV