Love Each Other Deeply - Crosswalk PLUS Marriage Devotional
Love Each Other Deeply
By: Michelle Lazurek
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8
Picking up used plates from the table and socks on the floor, I began to get resentful over my husband's treatment of me. I was starting to feel more like a maid than a wife. Frustrated, I kindly asked my husband to pick up after himself. "I didn't do it on purpose," he retorted. This launched us into a heated argument about the division of household chores. However, we both knew there were underlying issues beneath our argument. The argument was not simply about picking up after himself but rather my husband's view of me and how I viewed myself. Feeling undervalued and underappreciated, I lashed out at him over his seeming lack of care or concern about my role in the home. He immediately got defensive as he felt attacked and blamed for an otherwise innocent oversight. We ended the argument, but both had the same underlying issues as a result.
Although speaking the truth to each other in marriage is important, the best marriages are those in which both parties know when to start a fight and when to stop. They can see the bigger picture and know when to fight battles and when to leave things alone. Nitpicking over every little issue and trial will only cause dissension and disunity within a couple, not bring them together.
In chapter 4 of Peter's book, the verses begin with what it looks like for someone to overcome their sinful nature. Peter is clear that a person who has triumphed over their sin will not only stop doing the destructive behaviors against God but understand and truly love others deeply. When we choose to love someone rather than nitpick, we pick up the dirty socks and wash the plates with gratitude. We stop focusing on ourselves and how we feel about committing these acts and understand that as Christ loved us, we ought to love each other. Christ did menial acts like washing feet because he exuded humility. We do the same, washing dirty socks and plates. This is especially true within a marriage relationship.
Many people believe that marriage is 50/50. Each person puts a percentage of themselves into the relationship, and they should get back the equal amount they've put in. However, as many people who have been married know, this is far from the case. Tough circumstances like job loss, health crises, and sinful behaviors will often tip the scales of a fair and balanced marriage where one party must do more than the other. A husband who has a sick wife must care for her on top of completing all the other household and work responsibilities. This can place a tremendous strain on a marriage that consists of two people who believe that if only they put in half of themselves, they deserve to get half back.
Two people who truly love each other will love each other deeply enough to overlook the small things in life. A couple who loves each other deeply will put dirty dishes and socks in the proper perspective. For example, a wife struggling with cancer would give anything to be able to do dishes and clean socks. Their energy is so sapped there are days when they cannot even get out of bed. A loving husband will care for his sick wife without expecting anything in return or feeling undervalued or underappreciated.
Christ chose to die on the cross so that we could experience life with God and the unconditional love that can only come from Jesus. Loving couples are called to love just like Jesus did. When couples learn to complete mundane tasks with the understanding of the deep love they are showing, their spouse not only understands the deep love of Christ, but also the deep love that comes through the marriage relationship.
Father, help us know what deep love really means. Help us love our spouses unconditionally just as you love us. Allow us to know that when we love each other deeply, we cover a multitude of offenses. Bless the marriages of those who choose to overlook an offense in favor of loving our spouses in new and exciting ways. Amen.
Application Questions:
What one step can you take to demonstrate love to your spouse?
How can you change your effort in your marriage from 50 percent to 100 percent?
We hope you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged by today's devotional! For more of this premium marriage devotional, visit here.