Daily Devotions for Parents, by Dr. James Dobson

Dr. Dobson's Parenting Devotional - May 17

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Let’s Get Together

If we walk in the light, as [God] is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.
1 John 1:7

When was the last time you had friends drop by unexpectedly for a visit? For many of us, it’s been entirely too long. There was a time when families made a regular habit of driving over to a friend’s home for an afternoon of good conversation and a piece of banana cream pie. It was one of life’s special little pleasures.

That kind of spontaneous camaraderie is difficult to achieve in today’s fast-paced world. We seldom, if ever, drop in on friends unannounced. Even if we did, they would probably have to cancel a string of appointments in order to be with us. So we careen through our days, glancing at our watches and wondering why we don’t have many close friendships.

It takes time to build a relationship, whether it’s with a friend, your spouse, or your son or daughter. And the moments you’ll truly cherish often occur not during a scheduled activity, but in the freedom of unstructured and unpressured time together. The apostle Paul wrote, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing” (Hebrews 10:25). He was speaking specifically about fellowship with believers, but it applies just as much to fellowship with friends and family. Make time to simply “be” with the people you care about. You’ll never regret it.

Before you say good night…

  • Do you wish you had more unstructured time as a family?
  • How long has it been since your friends dropped by for a visit?
  • Do you have a meaningful social life, or do you think only about work or obligations?

Father, we need the blessing of time together as a couple, as a family, and with the friends You have brought into our lives. Forgive us if we’ve isolated ourselves or become self-centered. Help us make time for each other for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Illustration adapted from Bringing Up Boys copyright © 2001 by James Dobson, Inc. Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Listen to today's broadcast of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk at OnePlace.com.  For more from Dr. Dobson, visit the resource center at drjamesdobson.org.

This devotional is taken from Night Light for Parents. Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.