Daily Disciples - December 2
December 2
Today's Reading: Ezekiel 42; 1 John 1
Today's Thoughts: There is Only One Way
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. <>
A few years ago, the Lord put a burden on my heart for someone who worked for my husband. She was a loyal employee, a hard worker and a mature manager. Her ethics and values made her trustworthy and honest. Why would I have a burden for such a good, well-balanced person? She began attending a church and her life began to change. Her church was a Self-Realization Fellowship temple. She learned from them that her good works and good life would gain her much favor when she was reincarnated. If she continued to improve in her good works each time that she returned to earth (in whatever form that might be), then eventually she would reach the pinnacle of her life's goal: she would become god. Believe it or not, this is the teaching of the New Age movement. She bought in to their lies and deceptions.
The Lord gave me the verse listed above and told me to tell her that He is the only Light. I remember the morning that I asked her to come over and have a cup of coffee with me. I told her that the Lord loved her and that He wanted her to know Him. I read 1 John 1:5 to her and said that in God, there is no darkness. She began to cry and she shared with me her fears of darkness. She was struggling and hurting. I talked with her about Jesus and that there is only one true God. Jesus is the only Way. There is no alternative path to everlasting life. The hard part in witnessing to someone in this position is that they will often agree with you. She agreed with me in everything I said about God and that she most certainly believes in God. But, she was not so sure about Jesus being God. She believed in Jesus but she had made Him out to be just a really good man, a prophet and a teacher. She could not accept His sacrifice for her sin, because she convinced herself that, in the end, her good works were all that really mattered. She would earn her way.
She would later leave our company and move on. The differences in our beliefs really stressed our relationship at times. Without realizing it, she changed in ways that made her hard-hearted and opinionated. In denying Jesus, she was continuing to bring increasing darkness into her life. The “good life” is deceptive and blinding. It simply is not possible for us to be "good" people. I still pray for her when the Lord brings her to my mind and I hope that one day she will come to the true Light. For me personally, I learned a lot from going through the experience of witnessing to her. Despite my burden for her soul, I know that only the Lord can save her. If you know someone in this type of cult or other false religion, do not give up praying for them. There is always hope—until their very last breath.
Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Daily Disciples Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc.