Daily Disciples Devotional

Daily Disciples Devotional - Feb. 4

February 4

Today's Reading:  Ruth 1-4; Luke 8:1-25
Today's Thoughts:  The Christian life is like climbing stairs.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

We realize fairly soon in our Christian life that we start on the floor at the bottom of the staircase. Our main goal is to get up to the top. While first beginning to ascend, the climb seems to go easy and fast. After all, the need for change was evident and our goals for coming to Christ were clear. Who wants to stay on the bottom step? As we keep climbing, sometimes we wonder if we will ever make it to the top. Our muscles ache and our heart pounds at times. We pray for an elevator or escalator to make the climb easier. But God makes sure that we consciously make a choice to go to the next step, and God is not in a rush. He waits patiently, lovingly and relentlessly for us to catch our breath and relax. At these times of rest, we know that by looking down, we see what we have overcome just to get to this place. But if we look up at the number of stairs still left to climb, it seems overwhelming. So we cannot look at only the stairs; we need to fix our eyes on what we cannot see. We must gaze at the top, keep looking up, and taking one step at a time. At some levels, the rest is nice with balconies and water fountains. At other times, only by faith do we keep climbing. We know that climbing back down would be a mistake but we think about it sometimes. Other times, we just want to sit right where we are without continuing in the climb, just hang out for a while in one place. We pass those on our way up the stairs who are hanging out in their spot, and then sometimes we step aside to let someone pass by who is heading back down the stairs. Those of us who continue upward know that the temptation to stop is not a valid option because we hear the Lord calling us to keep coming. In our heart of hearts, we know that when we finally arrive, we will be so happy we kept climbing. There is no hurry, but no advantage to slowing down either. So we pray for a steady pace, understanding each level and making a conscious decision to move up and onward.


Where are you at today on the staircase to God? Are you hanging out, taking a break, or are you seriously contemplating heading back down? Keep a couple of things in mind: fix your eyes upward towards the top and listen for God’s voice. Not only is the Lord calling you to come, to keep moving, but He is also waiting for you. And the best part of all of it? He is with you in every step you take. So today, lift your head up and get moving. The prize awaits at the end.

Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc., founded by Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, embraces a vision to reach the world for Christ by teaching others how to be His daily disciples. Their mission is to evangelize the lost and to re-awaken the saved to live lives empowered by the Word of God and His Holy Spirit, and to teach and to train those who desire to grow, to serve and to have all that God has for them…encouraging everyone to be a daily disciple of Jesus Christ. From Bible studies to daily devotionals to daily radio programs to a comprehensive discipleshipprogram, Bobbye  & Tonilee have a passion to help others apply the Word of God to their lives every day.