Daily Disciples Devotional

Daily Disciples Devotional - May 4


May 1
Today's Reading: 1 Kings 10-11; Luke 21:20-38
Today's Thoughts:
 Desiring to Grow

"As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby," 1 Peter 2:2


This spring season several birds decided to reside under the eaves of my home. I have enjoyed watching the activities of the parents in relation to their babies. I am continually in awe of God's awesome provisions, especially in nature, and especially for those that can appear so helpless. The other day, I was watching some of the baby birds take their first flights. There were about four of them hanging out on the rain gutter, side by side. One, then another, then another would take off, flying in dizzying patterns with unsteady wings. Just when I thought one might fall, he (or she) would somehow get back up to the original starting point. I could almost sense its own relief when it made it back to safety.


For us, we are not so different from these baby birds learning to fly. When we first come to Christ, we are ready to jump out and take off in our new life. And the Lord loves our hearts that are completely devoted to doing just that---going for all that He has for us. However, just as we had to grow and mature physically as a baby into an adult, we must grow and mature spiritually in our walk with Christ. As we are growing spiritually, we need the pure milk of God's word. We grow stronger and faster when we are feeding on His Word everyday. The more we study the Word, the more we are able to take those flights of faith.


Paul and Peter both warned the Christians in their day to make sure that they stay in the Word of God. There is no substitute and no quick fix to gain wisdom and knowledge in the Lord. We will continue to age physically and mature in one sense, but our spiritual maturity can be stagnant and stumped, despite our chronological age. Some Christians still need the pure milk while others are devouring real meat (I Corinthians 3:1-3). Put the Word in your hearts and minds and pray that your spiritual maturity is evidenced in the ways that God uses you to take longer and more steady flights with Him (and for Him) every day.

Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc.,  founded by Tonilee Adamson and Bobbye Brooks, embraces a vision to reach the world for Christ by teaching others how to be His daily disciples. Their mission is to evangelize the lost and to re-awaken the saved to live lives empowered by the Word of God and His Holy Spirit, and to teach and to train those who desire to grow, to serve and to have all that God has for them…encouraging everyone to be a daily disciple of Jesus Christ. From Bible studies to daily devotionals to daily radio programs to a comprehensive discipleshipprogram, Bobbye  & Tonilee have a passion to help others apply the Word of God to their lives every day.