Daily Disciples - March 8
March 8
Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 4; Mark 11:1-18
Today's Thoughts: Stop to Hear His Voice
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
Which way? This way or that way? Today, there are so many paths we can follow. We have the advice of our family, friends, the media and then there is our own instinct. But how do we know the right way? How do we discern which way is really best for us?
The other day, I counseled a woman who was convinced that she was doing God’s will by serving the church. She gave of herself, her finances, and her time. She experienced the Lord’s help as He gave her great ideas and even multiplied her time to keep going. But, soon, she came to me full of bitterness, disillusioned by the people and the staff. She felt confused and angry. She asked questions like, “How could this be God’s way? How could they so disregard her following the Lord? And where was He in their actions?”
We ask the same questions, “Which way Lord? What is Your will, Lord?” and then we follow the direction He gives. But sometimes, we find ourselves angry and resentful. How come? What happens? Frequently, God answers our prayer and uses us and guides us. However, once He has shown us what He wants, frequently we stop asking for further wisdom and counsel and just go on our own way in the name of the Lord. This verse talks about God speaking from behind us. And why would God need to speak from behind us unless we have run ahead of Him? So often, He leads us to a certain place, position, or calling, then we run ahead. When we run ahead, we lose His way and make it our way. That is what happened to my friend who was seeking counsel. She knew that the Lord had one job for her to do. When that job was completed and very blessed, she determined in her heart to do more. More wasn’t asked of her by the church or by the Lord. And it is because of the “more” that she grew angry. God now called to her from behind to lead her forward in a new direction or way to walk.
God is faithful. He will lead you and answer you when you call out to Him. Just remember to keep asking continually as you proceed. Always follow His leading. If you begin to experience anger, bitterness and judgmental thoughts, you have probably run ahead of God. Stop until you can hear His voice from behind you. He will lead you back into His way and help you to walk in it.
Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit. Daily Disciples Ministries makes a difference for the kingdom of God by teaching and training believers how to be in God's Word, how to pray and how to walk with Jesus every day, as His daily disciple.
Daily Disciples Ministries, Inc.