Daily Hope with Rick Warren

Pray for It before You Pay for It - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - August 13, 2017

Pray for It Before You Pay for It
By Rick Warren

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy” (John 16:24 NCV).

Are you in financial need and waiting for God to help?

God has promised to meet your financial needs. He’s just waiting for you to ask for his help! The Lord never shuts his storehouse until you shut your mouth.

One of the reasons we see so few miracles in our lives is because we just don’t ask for them. Instead of living a life based on Christ, we live a life based on credit. When we have something we need, instead of stopping and asking God for it, before we even think about asking God for it, we just use that credit card. We trust credit instead of Christ.

If you want to see God work in your life, pray for it before you pay for it. Do you pray about major purchases before you make them? Or do you just take care of it with your credit card? Every time you use that credit card before praying about it, you’re short-circuiting a possible miracle in your life. Before you charge a purchase, why don’t you ask God about it first?

God is not going to give you everything you pray for, so don’t be surprised. But there are some things he does want to give you just to do a miracle in your life. Many people have never had a financial answer to prayer, because they’ve never prayed specifically.

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy” (John 16:24 NCV). Do you know why God wants you to learn to ask for things in prayer? So he can give them, and so you’ll be full of joy. God is a loving Father. He’s not some ogre sitting in the sky, waiting to make your life a bummer. He wants to bless your life! You just have to ask.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over

How do your spending habits and your prayer life intersect?

What is your family’s policy when it comes to making large purchases?

What are some ways your life reflects that you trust God with your finances?

For more Daily Hope with Rick Warren, please visit pastorrick.com!

It doesn't matter how much you work out or how healthy you may eat, if you're not feeding and exercising your spirit… you're going to feel run down and tired – you’ll run out of gas. You’ve got to do more than just take care of your body. You’ve got to energize your spirit! And the best way to do that is with God’s Word! That’s why we’ve put together this new interactive guide called Re-Energize Your Life!

In this first-of-its-kind guide, created from Pastor Rick’s most practical teaching, you will learn everything you need to know to re-energize your life the way God intended. Step by step, you will begin a journey of restoration and renewal. It’s a hands-on guide you take at your own pace. No need to rush! In fact, we encourage you to stop and linger where you want to spend more time. You’ll benefit from biblical wisdom and learn how to apply it to your life in practical ways.

This devotional © 2017 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.